Sunday, August 26, 2012

Lupe's Notes - Aug 26, 2012

Good afternoon sisters. What a beautiful afternoon.

THOUGHT: “We can be delivered from the ways of evil and wickedness by turning to the teachings of the holy scriptures”
Elder L. Tom Perry

  1. We have a cannery assignment to do peaches in September. If you haven't signed up and wish to do so, please contact Brother Moon.
  2. Relief Society Canning Tips and Hints Class: Amy Rigby is going to share her canning tips and hints for canning peaches, pears and her yummy salsa on Tuesday, Sept. 4th at 7 pm at her home (1175 E 1180 N). It will be lots of fun with interaction time for questions and hands on learning and sampling of her salsa.
  3. Preparedness Notice: We have a very special opportunity to have Jed Norton come to our Ward on Thurs. Sept. 13th at 7 pm at our Ward Building to share with us his vast knowledge on being prepared in six different categories. Husbands are invited.
  4. Be sure to fill out the '10 Fun Facts! Getting to know our Manila 12th Ward Sister. Contact Melissa Brady if you haven't gotten one.
  5. Don't forget our RS Blog. Go to
BIRTHDAYS: Aug. 26th – Christy S. and Aug. 29th – Amy W. Happy Birthday to you both.

Our lesson today was presented by Darla Cox and was “The Power of Deliverance' by L. Tom Perry.

I am happy to be here. Enjoyed the Winders' talks and wish them well. We will miss you.

Alisa: They are going to the same mission that my husband and I went to. The Santa Rosa, Ca. Mission.

Linda: We will be working in the office until further notice.

Thanks for your prayer, Lynette. If you think that going to Walmart at 11:30 pm, and not run into anybody you know, you are mistaken. I ran into three ward members and one former ward member last night. One of them was Melisa Grieve. She had just gotten off work at 11 pm. Told me that her brother and his business partner had opened a donut shop by Texas Steakhouse called Station 13. They sell donuts, drinks starting at 6 am and that their top seller was Maple, bacon donuts.

Jami: we go there all the time. They sell Amish fry pies and frozen hot chocolate to die for. It's an amazing store.

Today we will be discussing the Power of Deliverance. Elder Perry starts off by telling the story of a young friend who has some difficult challenges. “They limit him in some ways, but in other ways he is extraordinary. Scott was making his first airplane flight alone to visit his brother and when he sat , he turned to the person sitting by him and told him his name, asked what his name was, what did he do, and where did he live? When he found out the passenger lived in Las Vegas, Scott told him that we had a temple there, asked him if he was a Mormon, told him he should be, that it was a great religion and then asked if he had read the Book of Mormon. Told him he should. That is was a great book.

Elder Perry goes on to say that he agreed with Scott, that the Book of Mormon is a great book. “This year in our Sunday School classes, we are studying the Book of Mormon. As we prepare and participate, may we be motivated to follow Scott's bold example to share our love of this special scripture with others not of our faith.”

Later on in the lesson we will share experiences we have had of being delivered through the words of the scriptures.

We are going to talk about experiences in the scriptures of deliverance from sin, battle, destruction, prison. Does anyone remember some of these examples?

Gayla: Alma the younger, when he was delivered from sin. And the reason was because of the prayers of the righteous. It shows us how powerful prayers are.

Robby: Deliverance from pain. My eldest daughter was in a car accident 16 years ago in New Zeal and. Her friend Rachel, who was a passenger in the car was nearly killed and so all the members in Australia were praying for her. Everybody sincerely was praying for her, and during all the treatments and surgeries she had to have, she never had any pain. She was delivered from pain because of the faith and prayers of the people.

A dominant theme of the Book of Mormon is expressed in the final verse of the first chapter of 1 Nephi. Nephi writes, “But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. “

This handout I stole from the Seminary System of the Church. You can get it on line. It shows the comparison between two groups of people in the Book of Mormon. Their experiences are similar yet different. We will do a review on it.

Many of the stories of the Book of Mormon are stories of deliverance. Lehi's departure into the wilderness with his family was about deliverance from the destruction of Jerusalem. The story of the Jaredites is a story of deliverance, as is the story of the Mulekites. Alma the Younger was delivered from sin. Helaman's stripling warriors were delivered in battle. Nephi and Lehi were delivered from prison. The theme of deliverance is evident throughout the entire Book of Mormon.”

Following the death of Abinadi, the people of King Noah divided into two colonies. One was led by King Limhi and the other by Alma. The stories of these two groups provide an interesting comparison of how the Lord deals with His children. They also provide important answers to help us deal with our challenges.

If you will notice, to the left of the page are the Questions, and then we have the People of Limhi, and the People of Alma.

Question: What were the people like?
The People of Limhi: They were divided; they were contentious; They fled before the Lamanites; They abandoned their families; They had their daughters plead for them, and They killed the king. If you will notice in verse 16 of Mosiah 19, Limhi stayed with the women and children.

Question: What happened to them, and how did they react?
The people of Limhi: They were brought into captivity and paid a 50% tribute; They lived peacefully in bondage for two years; The Lamanites attacked them; They fought back and They accepted bondage.

Question: What were the conditions of their bondage?
The People of Limhi: The Lamanites smote them on the cheeks; They exercised authority over them; They gave them heavy burdens and drove them like animals; They began to murmur and They went to war and were defeated three times.

Question: How did they respond to this bondage?
The People of Limhi: They were compelled to be humble; They accepted their bondage and abuse; They cried mightily to the Lord and They sent for help.

Question: What was the result of their response?
The People of Limhi: The Lord was slow to hear them; The Lord softened the hearts of their enemies, who eased their burdens; They were not delivered at first; They prospered by degrees; They helped others; They covenanted to serve God; They gave wine to the Lamaite guards, who then fell asleep; and They escaped.

Contrast this group with the People of Alma:

Question: What were the people like?
The People of Alma: They believed Alma (who had believe Abinadi); They traveled to hear the gospel; They endured risk; They were taught to repent and have faith in the Lord; They covenanted wit God; They were filled with grace and They were taught not to contend but to love one another.

Question: What happened to them, and how did they react?
The People of Alma: The Lord strengthened them; They built a city; They prospered exceedingly; The Lamanites found them; They cried to the Lord; and They surrendered and accepted bondage.

Question: What were the conditions of their bondage?
The People of Alma: Amulon persecuted them; He exercised authority over them and gave them taskmasters; Their afflictions were great; They were threatened with death and They had burdens on their backs.

Question: How did they respond to this bondage?
The People of Alma: They cried mightily to God; They prayed in their hearts; They submitted cheerfully and They showed faith and patience.

Question: What was the result of their response?
The People of Alma: The Lord spoke to them; He promised to deliver them; He eased their burdens and strengthened them; He promised to deliver them “on the morrow”; He caused a deep sleep to come upon the guards; and They escaped.

Micheale C read: Mosiah 18:34 And it came to pass that Alma and the people of the Lord were apprised of the coming of the king's army; therefore they took their tents and their families and departed into the wilderness.”

Why do you think they took their tents and family: I see that as taking their 72 hours kits.
Mosiah 23: 39 tells us that the king of the Lamanites had granted unto Amulon that he should be a king and a ruler over his people, who were in the land of Helam. Amulon was one of King Noah's priest. They had been exposed to the gospel and were former Nephites. The Amulonites maintained their names, but continued in their impenetrable hearts. The seed of Amulon were eventually scattered, hunted and slain.

Elder Perry continues: “There are two stories in the Book of Mormon which are very similar and teach an important lesson. The first is from the book of Mosiah, starting with the 19th chapter. Here we learn of King Limhi living in the land of Nephi. The Lamanites had waged war against the people of Limhi. The result of the war was that the Lamanites would allow King Limhi to rule over his own people, but they would be in bondage to them. It was a very uneasy peace.”

When Limhi”s people had their fill of Lamanite abuses, they convinced their king to go against the Lamanites in battle. Three times Limhi's people were defeated. Heavy burdens were laid upon them. Finally they humbled themselves and cried mightily unto the Lord that He would deliver them. Verse 15 of chapter 21 tells us of the Lord's response: “And now the Lord was slow to hear their cry because of their iniquities; nevertheless the Lord did hear their cries, and began to soften the hearts of the Lamanites that they began to ease their burdens; yet the Lord did not see fit to deliver them out of bondage.”

Soon after, Ammon and a small band of men fro Zarahemla arrived and with Gideon—one of the leaders of Limhi's people—they worked out a plan which was successful, and they escaped from the Lamanite abuses. The Lord was slow to hear their cries. Why? Because of their iniquities.”

The second story is similar in many respects but also different. The account is recor45ded in Mosiah 24.”

Alma and his people had settled in the land of Helam, when an army of the Lamanites came into the borders of the land. They met and worked out a peaceful solution. Soon the leaders of the Lamanites began to impose their will on the people of Alma and placed heavy burdens on them to bear. In verse 13 we read, “And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.”

The people of Alma were delivered from the hands of the Lamanites and safely made their way back to be united with people of Zarahemla.

What was the difference between the people of Alma and the people of King Limhi? Obviously, there were several differences: the people of Alma were peaceful and more righteous; they had already been baptized and entered into a covenant with the Lord; they humbled themselves before the Lord even before their tribulations started. All these differences made it appropriate and fair that the Lord would deliver them quickly in a miraculous way from the hand which kept them in bondage. These scriptures teach us of the Lord's power of deliverance.”

What trials, burdens, difficulties have you had in your life that the Lord was able to deliver you from? As you are thinking I want to share with you an experience in my life. Many years ago when I had 5 young children, our school district, specifically our school, was involved in an experimental school program which had failed in California. I opposed it and took a stand and became very vocal. There were many people who agreed with me and we had many meetings about it. The votes were 50/50. Part of the curriculum was that there should be no testing needed. We argued that there was no other way that the children and the parents could know how the students were progressing. That not all children would be self motivating. Well the program past, even though we never really knew if the votes were truly counted. We continued to fight against it and it became really ugly and the people were divided. It even made the newspapers and I started to have bad feelings in me and didn't feel right. It was not good. A lot of the children were not self starters, motivated. After two years we could see that the program was failing. It lasted five years and we learned later that the program was federally funded and the contract w3as for 5 years. I felt very uneasy, very ugly with a heavy heart and so I petitioned the Lord. One day I was ready Alma 33:4: ”For he said: Thou art merciful, O God, for thou hast heard my prayer, even when I was in the wilderness; yea, thou wast merciful when I prayed concerning those who were mine enemies, and thou didst turn them to me.”

Verse 10: Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been cast out and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst visit them in thine anger with speedy destruction.”

And 11: And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, because of thy Son.”

That was the answer to my prayer. The Lord took care of that problem for me. How? I knew he was aware of me and my problem. The situation resolved itself. That was very comforting to me at that time.

Rosemary S: Mine was deliverance from guilt and from a false messenger. After I had my second special needs baby, I felt so much guilt. I felt that I had caused it You know, we women do that so much, blame ourselves. Guilt is great if it leads to repentance, but it can destroy us if we let it. I knew that I had to pray because that is how the atonement can take the guilt away from me. There was so much going on in my life. Michael was going on his mission and then I had the other children. I could not function as a mom. The guilt was such a burden on me that I just couldn't function. After much prayer, the physical feelings were gone and I was able to understand the false messenger. It was not my fault that the boys were born with disabilities. Alma 42: 26 And thus God bringeth about his great and eternal purposes, which were prepared from the foundation of the world. And thus cometh about the salvation and the redemption of men, and also their destruction and miseryIt's a big plan and my boys are part of that big plan. I think the Lord knew his daughters.

Lynette: There are many examples where the Savior did not come until the fourth watch and then he will deliver us. It doesn't come fast like we want it to come. If our faith was immediately rewarded, all would have faith.

Charlotte Winder: This ward and neighborhood is very tender to me because of the deliverance that came to us. My daughter was in a very accident and was hurt because of me. It was on a Sunday and I had gone to a meeting at a sister's home and forgot that she was asleep in the back of the car. She was a baby then. She was badly injured. It is interesting to see the process of her healing, of the deliverance that the Lord blessed us with. The faith and prayers and fasting of the ward members was a blessing to us. When bad things happen to good people the Lord steps in. I was desperate for deliverance and the only way I can explain it is that the Lord parted the Red sea in much the same way. Through Priesthood power she was healed. He blessed me with gratitude to serve God because of the miraculous deliverance. He loves us so much and wants to help us. I am in his debt forever.

Shanae: When I was on my mission I had a companion who was dealing with depression and when you have depression, you can't have the spirit. It occurred to me that my mother had send me an e-mail about how detailed Heavenly Father is. That it had taken years of preparation for the two of us to meet, to be together, so I could help her. Anything can be turn for our good. The fourth watch. There are some things in our lives to prepare us for later.

Thank you for sharing.

I would like to close with Elder Perry's remarks: We can be delivered from the ways of evil and wickedness by turning to the teachings of the holy scriptures. The Savior is the Great Deliverer, for He delivers us from death and from sin.

I declare that Jesus is the Christ and that we can draw close to Him by reading the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. The first testaments of our Savor are the Old and New Testaments—or the Bible.”

Again, let's remember my friend Scott's description of the Book of Mormon: “It's a great book.” I testify to you that much of the Book of Mormon's greatness stems from its harmony with the Holy Bible, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”

We are so blessed to have the scriptures. May we read them and gain deliverance from them.

Have a great week, sisters.


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