Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lupe's Notes - Aug 19, 2012

Good afternoon sisters. What a marvelous Sacrament Meeting.

THOUGHT: “Honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy, Latter-day Saints, and it will bring to you great joy and our Heavenly Father will bestow upon you the blessings that result from obedience to his advice and counsel.” George Albert Smith

  1. We have a cannery assignment. We will be doing peaches in September. Contact Brother Moon if you are interested and haven't had the opportunity to sign up yet.
  2. REMINDER: September 13th is our Preparedness Night. Husbands are invited.
  3. Amy Rigby will be doing a cannery class in September.
  4. FREE: Robby has veggies from her garden that you can have, tomatoes, beans and some cuks. Stop by her house and get some.
  5. Brother Charles Larsen is in the hospital in Provo, he has pneumonia. Please keep him and his wife Vera in your prayers.
  6. Brother Moon wants to thank everyone for all your kind service to him and to Karen. Karen is now home and is doing well.
BIRTHDAYS: Aug 22nd – Judy G., 25th – Anne J., and Cheryl N. Happy Birthday to you.

Megan: I missed you while I was on vacation visiting my parents. Thanks for all the ministering that you do. For the watch care that you provide. Please continue in your efforts to connect with the sisters you visit teach and become friends. I love each one of you.

Our lesson today was presented by Amy Waldron from the George Albert Smith manual. Lesson # 16 “Offer Up Thy Sacraments upon my Holy Day”

Amy wrote on the board the following: 
  • Protection against Evil
  • Unspotted from the world
  • You will delight in the Lord
  • Fullness of the earth is yours
My prayer to Heavenly Father, even before I look at the lesson goes like this: Help me to know, not to get distracted, to focus on what is needed and helpful; more specifically encouraging to the sister. We all need encouragement. I was talking to my husband about the joy that the gospel brings to us. When I opened the manual to the lesson and realized that it was about the Sabbath Day, I said 'YES'. I have a great testimony of the joy of keeping the Sabbath Day brings.

When I was 11 years old, my teacher talked about the activities that were appropriate for the Sabbath Day and of the blessings that come from obeying. As a youth, my sister and I, mother and father, he wasn't a member of the church, I felt that watching sport with him on Sunday was good for us. I decided to test it, what my teacher had said, about keeping the day holy and the blessings that came with it. I can testify today, as I did at 12, 13, and the years in between, of the blessings promised for obedience, desire and the effort in our best possible way can bring all the blessings that the Lord promised and more even.

I thought of a Stake Conference talk that President Richard gave that was centered on D&C 130:20-21.
There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated--

And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.”

In fact, the whole purpose of the lesson is in keeping with that scripture. President Smith states “Keeping the Sabbath day holy and worthily partaking of the sacrament bring us increased spiritual strength.”

As Paul and I were driving from Arizona, I told him that I wasn't not having a handout. So he asked, do you have an outline? To me, the focus and joy will be to get the spiritual strength that comes from keeping the Sabbath Day.

We will talk about the practical aspect, especially because we don't live alone, we have a family who may have different thoughts and feelings about it. So the challenge is to worthily partake of the sacrament. I am reminded of Emily Thompson who is in the nursery, one Sunday alone with her boys, and a child scattered her 'gold fish' by throwing it about and who then left in tears. For her this was not a day of rest that one would envision.

Don't panic. We're talking of the blessings here, not of 'I'm in the trenches right now.”

On the board I have written the specific blessings that are attached to obedience. Delight in the Lord is a little general, especially when we are feeling overwhelmed, are being weary in good works. When I do keep the day holy I do delight in the Lord. It taste good to me.

Section 59 in the D&C gives specific blessings. It's good stuff. The title of the lesson is taken from Section 59.

D&C 59:9-13 “And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world, thou shalt go to the house of prayer and offer up thy sacraments upon my holy day;

For verily this is a day appointed unto you to rest from your labors, and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High;

Nevertheless thy vows shall be offered up in righteousness on all days and at all times;

But remember that on this, the Lord's day, thou shalt offer thine oblations and thy sacraments unto the Most High, confessing thy sins unto thy brethren, and before the Lord.

And on this day thou shalt do none other thing, only let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that thy fasting may be perfect, or, in other words, that thy joy may be full.

The promises goes on and on until verse 23. I encourage you to read them. You might want to read them this afternoon and even have a Family Home Evening on it. You'll be amazed.

Then Isaiah 58:13-14. If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words;
Then shall thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.”

It's a beautiful thing. Now more is up to us.

Lynette: At Regional Conference, Henry B. Eyring said that he had prepared something to speak to us about, but that during the drive here, the Lord made it clear to him of what he should talk about. And that was about the Sabbath.

Now the warnings. President Smith gives us specific warnings.
He wants us to be happy and has told us how we may earn that happiness.”

Unless the world repents of its carelessness and indifference. It's fair to say that he world is careless and indifferent. “unless we the Latter-Day Saints, in many cases, repent of our attitude of indifference toward the holy day o four Heavenly Father, there will not come to us all the joy and happiness we desire to enjoy here, and it will not be with us in eternity.

We really don't want to think of LDS in general. Think of yourself. I have a strong testimony of the glory of the day. I am always strengthened. I can do it. It's safe to say that each of us has some repentance to do in regard to the Sabbath Day.

Some people appear to think that if they have attended religious meetings or performed some portion of the service required of them on Sunday, they are then at liberty to pursue pleasures and engage in activities incompatible with the spirit of the Sabbath and still continue to enjoy the favor of our Father. I say to you that if the members of the Church, knowing better, persist in desecrating the Sabbath day in the pursuit of worldly pleasures, they will lose their faith; and the Spirit of our Heavenly Father will withdraw from them.”
This is very powerful. That is a fact. We are not making a list, but it is heavy duty stuff.

Let's review some areas that are challenging. We may not feel very spiritual at the end of the day. We may not been strengthened and renewed if we have a primary calling. That may really be difficult. Savannah Dalton was saying that she now has a primary calling and she will be missing Relief Society. It is a challenge. It took a lot of energy.

Robby: When I was a young mother, because my husband was not a member, I felt like a single mom. I had well behaved kids, but sometimes I would go home thinking, why did I bother. I felt drained.

Let's hear some advise for moms on how personally can you gain strength from the Sabbath day and not feel drained.

Melissa B: If I can get one thing out of the three hours, I feel an accomplishment that I can take one thing for myself.

I like that. Have low expectation.

Rosemary: One goal that we have is to a spiritual one. I had 5 children close together in age, my husband was in the Bishopric. Now that I don't have little children , I watch other moms. Most of us go to partake of the sacrament to promise to be more like the Savior. We sit to listen to the Holy Ghost. I see moms reading to a child as they teach them in their ears. They are doing it, they are living it. They are put in a position to do as the Savior would do. The other thing is that I spent a lot of time in the nursing mother's room. Instead of talking about what we would fix for dinner, we talked about spiritual things. It gave us a feeling of uplifting, we could feel the spirit in the nursing mother's room.

Pat H: In the gospel, we take upon us certain covenants, one is the covenant of obedience, one of sacrifice. Being that you may not get a whole lot from the meeting, but the fact that you have your children there, that is a sacrifice. You are obeying that law. As to keeping the covenant of obedience; we may not feel that we are getting something, but we are keeping that covenant of being there and with that comes the blessing. We are in process of obeying and keeping covenants.

We have Sister Smart and Sister Heaton and I will add my own mother. She did the very thing. Her husband was not a member of the church and when we lived in Bangkok, Thailand, there was one branch across the city. She never missed one meeting. Daddy would tell her to leave the babies at home with him, but she refused. He would attend so he could help her wit the babies, my sister and me. She continued that practice. There was only one time that she missed and it was the day after her mom passed away. We had no Family Home Evenings, no scripture study, but we were in that place on Sundays. Our Primary, Young Women, Sunday School teachers, the power and community of the church as a whole, we got taught. She came to Church. Like Sister Smart, as my husband was in Afghanistan, I would try to make it through Sacrament before I had to leave. Janet S.'s children sit there while she plays the organ. But usually when you get up, yo have this trail of kids following you. I had Nancy who would be running from me. One Sunday, I had my two oldest ones, and was large with child and Paul was not there. I didn't even make it through the opening hymn, even though I was there on time. I was sitting on the sofa and this dear sister walked in, late, and made mentioned that I was already out here, how was I going to be able to do it with a third baby. I managed not to cry. I thought of these things, but I knew the power of being in Church because my mom had brought me all my life.

Laurie A: Now that I am an old woman and my kids are grown, I've been through it all. There are two things I can say. Don't forget that your children are send for a reason, so they can share with you what they learned in primary. As they sing a song on the way home that they learned.

And two: Try to extend the good feeling of Sunday by listening to music. That has helped me. All our kids are there for us. They get it. I leaned to app0reciate the Sabbath.

You are all wonderful. Find encouragement and strength in the Sabbath Day. The Lord is anxious to bless us.

Next week's lesson is from General Conference address: “The Power of Deliverance' by Elder L. Tom Perry.

Have a great day.


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