Manila 12th Ward Relief Society

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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lupe's Notes - Dec 2, 2012

Good afternoon sisters. Hope you have enjoyed your day thus far.

THOUGHT: “ Charity is having patience with someone who has let us down. It is resisting the impulse to become offended easily. It is accepting weaknesses and shortcomings. It is accepting people as they truly are. It is looking beyond physical appearances to attributes that will not dim through time. It is resisting the impulse to categorize others.”
President Thomas S. Monson

  1. Tonight at 6 pm is the First Presidency Christmas Broadcast.
  2. Empty Nesters: Christmas Party at the Cheney's. Please bring a pot luck dish and a white elephant gift from each person attending. At 6 pm. 1083 E Murdock Dr.
  3. Birthday Brunch at Martha's home, this coming Sat., the 8th at 11 am for those whose birthday falls in Oct., Nov., Dec. or if you missed coming to any of the other brunches.
  4. Christmas Elves Rescue Mission, Sat. the 15th from 9:30-11:00 am at the Church building. Come in p.j.s/comfy clothes. There will be a delicious breakfast, visit and photos with Santa Claus and a Service Project to show WE CARE!
  5. Stake Choir rehearsals for Stake Conference will be held Dec. 9th and 16th at the Stake Center from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. All voices welcome. This will be a fun experience as the wards meet to sing together, learning beautiful music in preparation for the Sunday morning session of Stake Conference.

Thank you to all who participated in the RS Activity on Thursday. We have so many talented sisters and all of you contribute to the wonderful spirit that is Relief Society.

Our message today was presented by Megan Duckworth, our president. She wrote on the board:

Thanks for all who attended our Thursday activity. It was an incredible evening; for those who were not able to attend your absence was felt. I had hoped that it would be a great start for the Christmas season and thoughts of the Savior and we were not disappointed.

I hope the lesson today will continue to focus on Christ. There are different thoughts and feelings about Christmas. There is the joy and anticipation, but also for some there is the loneliness, the despair, thinking of things that are lacking in their lives. With awareness of all these different feelings, I start my lesson. I don't have any notes, just my scriptures, so I pray for the spirit that it will guide me and you. I spent one day watching all the videos the Church has put on about Christmas. President Monson talks about the spirit of Christmas. If yo what to understand the spirit of Christmas, take off the last syllable of the word. Focus on Christ. I spoke with my presidency about my feelings for this lesson and of sharing a personal story. They all felt it should be so.

In the last week's newsletter, I asked Lupe to ask you to read the scripture from Matthew 25:40. I wanted yo to think and ponder it because we would talk about it today. That will be our text for today. As I studied and ponder about this, I decided that I needed to start with verse 35. As I am sharing my personal example, I encourage you to think about and share your experiences with us.

Matthew 25:35-40