Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lupe's Notes - Apr 8, 2012

THOUGHT: “Listen to him who is the advocate with the Father who is pleading your cause before him--
Saying: Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom, thou wast well pleased, behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;
Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life”
(D&C 45:3-5)

  1. Thank you to all who participated in our RS Birthday Celebration. If you would like to share your recipes, please e-mail them to Sarah Heiner,, and she will put them in the RS Blog
  2. STAKE WOMAN'S CONFERENCE – Saturday, April 21, 10:00 am – 12:00 with a light luncheon. “Look unto me in every thought: doubt not, fear not” It would be fun to car pool and enjoy the friendship of the sisters.
  3. Stake semi annual 5K 7 ½ mile fun run – Sat. April 21st @ 8:00 am at Deerfield Elementary parking lot. Bring your kids. It'll be fun for the whole family? There will be fun prized awarded. Any questions, call or e-mail. Ben Higbee (801) 471-8165
  4. Circled in Sewing” - Thursday, April 24th, 7 pm at Kay Johnson's home. We'll be sewing blankets, making wonder ovens, & doing humanitarian work or bring a project you are working on.
  5. Please be sure to report your visiting teaching to your supervisor. If you don't know who she is, you can contact any member of the Relief Society Presidency.
  6. If you have a chance, please read the March Ensign article “ Visiting Teaching Understanding the Power of Ministering. The Church is focusing more on the principle of ministering to our sisters.
  7. On April 28th Sister Megan Duckworth will host the first Birthday Brunch. Those with birthday in Jan., Feb., and Mar, put it on your calendars. More information coming.
  8. Guilt-Free Celebration of Motherhood” - Thursday, May 10th at 7 pm.

Special Announcement from Karen Moon:
Sisters,I'm putting this announcement in the R.S. newsletter because I know it will be read by everyone quicker.  As I have reviewed some of the concerns that were given back to me on the  questionnaires from our party last Thursday I realized I had left some things of importance out of the Preparedness Binders.  Mostly having to do with filling and emptying the large blue water barrels.  Several of you had questions in that area.  I have learned that there are 25 foot long 1/2" diameter white drinking water hoses available.  Two can be connected to make it longer if your barrel is too far from a faucet.  Fill the barrel with hard water.  No need to add chlorine or anything to the water.  If it is stored for long periods of time it can be put through a charcoal filter and used, never having to drain and refill the barrel.  If you don't want to worry about the filter then drain and refill annually.  Use the water on flowers and gardens.  The best time to drain the barrel would be in the summer but I remind you in November in case you haven't gotten it done yet.  At our house we have the barrel near our indoor manifold which is in our furnace room.  We have a short hose that is drinking water safe that attaches to the manifold for refilling.  We drain the barrel into the floor drain which is also in the furnace room.  These types of hoses and connections that will fit the manifold are available at Macey's grocery store.  You can add this information to your binders for future reference.  Also, many of your questions can be answered in the Binders so be sure to look there. is so helpful a website.  Click on Becoming Self Reliant, then click on Home Storage and then chose from a variety of subjects.  Between the Binders and this website you will find a wealth of information to help you with becoming prepared.

  1. Angie Gardner had her baby girl on April 7th.
  2. Rebecca Ingram is engaged. Wedding will be July 27th
Today's lesson is Chapter 7 “The Immortality of the Soul” presented by Tiffany Weight.
I am so happy to be here. As I have studied this lesson I thought of my father who died several years ago. That was the most defining experience regarding my testimony on mortality. I was touched by George Albert Smith's experience as a speaker at a funeral.

I have felt, since I was asked to speak at this funeral, that perhaps I would not be able to do so. My emotions have been stirred, and I have found myself incapable of controlling them, but since I came into this building a beautiful, sweet influence of peace has come into my soul. …
Instead of mourning I feel to thank our Father in heaven for the Gospel of His Beloved Son that has been revealed anew in our day. … To know that life is eternal is a wonderful blessing,—to know that throughout eternity the blessings that this good man has lived for will be his. His mortal life has been terminated but this is only part of eternal life. He has laid the foundation deep and secure upon which he has built and will continue to build throughout eternity. The joy that he has experienced here upon earth will be added upon. …
As I think of the experiences of people in the world, on occasions of this kind, I marvel how we have been blessed. I have no more doubt about eternal life and the immortality of the soul than I have that the sun shines at midday. … It is a sad thing to part with our dear ones, even temporarily. We send them upon missions, or they go to other parts of the world to live and we miss them. When an occasion like this occurs it seems that they are more distant, but as a matter of fact they are not, if we but understood. … Instead of extending the condolence that sometimes might go to those who are bereaved, I feel more like rejoicing this day that I know that this is not the end. …
“… So today, as I stand in your presence, when perhaps tears should be flowing, my soul is filled with comfort and satisfaction. I pray that that comfort may be in the lives of each of those who are bereaved.
I too can say that I have no doubt of the eternal relationships.

Alisa J: Quote
If you have received the witness that has come to me and know as I know that our Heavenly Father has revealed himself to the children of men, that he is a personal God, that we are created in his image, that our spirits were begotten b him, that he has given us an opportunity to dwell upon the earth to receive a physical tabernacle, in order that we may be prepared to return into his presence and live eternally with him, I say, if you have received that assurance, then you have a foundation upon which you may build your faith.” George Albert Smith
I love that quote. It sums up the theme of the lesson.
We're going to go through the principles of mortality.

Robby: “We lived before we came here; that which is intelligence, that which is spirit, did not have its beginning in this life.”
As a convert, this concept was most amazing. I still wonder why I got to be so lucky to live where I live today, because of the things that I did in the pre-existence. It is a true and sacred thing.
I was touched in General Conference by Elder Scott's talk on personal revelation and the influence by those who have passed on. It is an eternal relationship.
Karen M: One of the comments in my Patriarchal Blessing says that I was righteous in the spirit world. If It was so, then I don't want to mess one while here on the earth.

Visitor: I have two daughters who came with strong spirits and strong testimonies, who have embraced the gospel but that I know that they have lived before.

Lynette: This concept about pre-mortal life is modern revelation. I have not found much about it in the Bible. I have a brother who emailed me and wanted scripture references regarding the pre-existence.

Amy W: I have a cousin who taught seminary and the way she would explain mortal life to her students was compare this life to the 'Empire Strikes Back' It is very impressive and she would tell them that all was going to be clear up in the end.

Sometimes we need creative ways to explain it to our children.

Luone: Quote:
The physical portion that we see is of earth, earthy (1 Cor 15:47), but that portion which leaves the body when our lives go out is that which is spiritual, it never dies...”

People believe this life is it. How sad to think that. I am grateful for the knowledge and the scriptures.

Karen M: I would like to share a tender story. My sister-in-law has a deaf grandbaby who is not really talking yet. He had a hearing implant put in and one day he said to his mother in very clear language 'grandpa wants you to know he misses you very much'.

Another example of revelation is this guidance given to President Joseph F. Smith: “I believe we move and have our being in the presence of heavenly messengers and of heavenly beings. We are not separate from them.... We are closely related to our kindred, to our ancestors...who have preceded us into the spirit world. We can not forget them; we do not cease to love them; we always hold them in our hearts, in memory, and thus we are associated and united to them by ties that we can not break...If this is the case with us in our finite condition, surrounded by our mortal weaknesses, mulch more certain it believe that those who have been faithful, who have gone beyond...can see us better than we can see them; that they know us better than we know them.... We live in their presence, they see us, they are solicitous for our welfare, they love us now more than ever. For now they see the dangers that beset us;...their love for us and their desire for our well being must be greater than that which we feel for ourselves.

I have a beautiful testimony of this as I have gone through the experience of my father's death. I feel his strength from beyond the veil.

Robby: Quote
We believe that we are here because we kept our first estate and earned the privilege of coming to this earth.”

Robby gave a testimony of that earlier.

Robby: I have a friend whose husband died 5 years ago at the age of 54. He was one of my bishops, a good, nice man. She never was really a very spiritual person as he was. Now, she says that all the fluff of the world is gone. She has felt him around her, so she has become so focus and feels she has to do everything right. She reads her scriptures, good books, doesn't even watch TV anymore because she now has a goal, not to stop short of being with him again. She is a strong, spiritual person who was to get where her husband will be.

Quote:”The treasures that we will find when we go to the other side will be those that we have laid up there by ministering to our Father's other sons and daughters with whom we have associated here.”

How do we go about doing that, leaving the distraction behind.?

Carol B: At our prayer meeting at the Temple, a member of the Temple presidency told us about a young man who was studying philosophy. He was not LDS and had attended many churches, but couldn't find what he was looking for. One day he met a girl who he saw such a light in her eyes. He asked her out and she accepted. Then she invited him to church. He figured that they could go, sit in the back row where he would not be seen by anyone. He picked her up late and of course they ended up in the back. In the front row was a little boy who was standing up, looking to the back and right in the middle of the meeting he said to his mother, 'Mama, there is Jesus' Of course all the congregation turned to see. And he had long hair and a beard. As soon as the meeting was over, the Bishop came to greet him. He says, 'the Bishop took my hand and then put his other hand over mine and ssid: 'You are so welcomed here'. The feeling was that I felt the love of God. Of course he dated and married and raised a family in the church. The Bishop's comment made such an impart on him.

Luone: I have been reading 'Daughters in my Kingdom' and she was President from 1945 – 1974.
The average woman today, I believe, would do well to appraise her interests, evaluate the activities in which she is engaged, and then take steps to simplify her life, putting things of first importance first, placing emphasis where the reward will be greatest and most enduring, and ridding herself of the less rewarding activities.”
That's what living is today. We need to treasure ministering. As a mother, a mother's heart, serving our family as well. When we serve our children, we're doing the same thing. Ministering. It's so critical.

Bobby: Some people are Indexing while I am on facebook. Chris Redd posted on facebook about a link for Indexing, she said if you have a few minutes to spare check this website. They said it was not addictive. They lied. I started to do it and it is about helping other people.

Gayla: My brother got into Indexing and loves it. It is a great power that can come to the life of youth. It helps them to have a different focus in their lives. I set with our older boy and helped him do some names. It's a good thing to do with them. Neat to have the opportunity. Such a power in youth's life.

Amy: Elder Nelson spoke about a wealthy man who had a lot of wealth. At the end of his life, the question was asked how mulch did he leave behind'. All of it was the answer. It was such a tragedy that he missed so such about his relationships while working to acquire his wealth.

Elder Monson also talked about that.
I recently visited with a woman who has been battling a life-threatening disease for over two years. She indicated that prior to her illness, her days were filled with activities such as cleaning her house to perfection and filling it with beautiful furnishings. She visited her hairdresser twice a week and spent money and time each month adding to her wardrobe. Her grandchildren were invited to visit infrequently, for she was always concerned that what she considered her precious possessions might be broken or otherwise ruined by tiny and careless hands.
And then she received the shocking news that her mortal life was in jeopardy and that she might have very limited time left here. She said that at the moment she heard the doctor’s diagnosis, she knew immediately that she would spend whatever time she had remaining with her family and friends and with the gospel at the center of her life, for these represented what was most precious to her.
Relationships are more important than earthly things. It is important to learn to sacrifice. Our responsibility is to rear children, take care of our family. It's the expression of our desire for eternal kinship..

The purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to prepare every man, woman and child for the time when all those who have died will be brought forth from their graves, and when our Heavenly Father will establish his kingdom upon this earth and the righteous will dwell...”
This has helped me to recommit to spreading the good news of the gospel. My life should reflect what I believe.

Because of the sacrifice of the Son of God, the hour will come when 'all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”
Our bodies are to be raised from the tomb...and that the spirits that possess these tabernacles now will inhabit the same tabernacles after they have been cleansed and purified and immortalized.
Whatever principles of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection. And if a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come.”
I want to underscore several points that will bring eternal life. It is wonderful to make choices that will qualify us to the next phase of eternal life.

Donna R: All will have eternal life. We need to process to eaqrn the right to be better. That is the choice we have.
Rosemary S: I am the only member in my family and have experienced conversations where I try to say sweet things about eternal families and my sister will say; Are you crazy? Who wants to spend eternity with someone. To me, when I heard about the principle of eternal families, I wanted to know more about the church. That our tabernacles will be clean, that we will be centered on the Savior's atonement, that we can look ahead and know that our spouses will be most handsome, more considerate, will have no faults, be beautiful and wonderful and that we will love them. The Savior will fix it.

I agree. It is easy to feel overwhelm, to feel our weaknesses, but the Atonement will cover it all, our weaknesses, sorrow, despair. We will enjoy those wonderful relationships with those we love.
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him”.
This is not an idle dream. These are facts: To you who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ, this story is a simple one, but it is true. There are sacred volumes of scripture that our Heavenly Father has placed within our reach, teaching us that we live eternally....The Lord has given us this information in great plainness, and from the depths of my heart I thank him for the knowledge that he has given us, that those who mourn maybe comforted and that we ourselves may understand our purpose in being here. If those who have passed on could speak to us, they would say, “Press on, press on, for the goal that will bring us eternal happiness together.

I want to share one last story about my sister and her experience. One day, she , my dad and a friend went mountain climbing. As we climbed up, it got more steep, more warm and I became more whinny. I told them to go ahead and I would wait for them on their way back. My dad said that I did not want to miss the view from the top. To encourage me, he walked behind me and with his hand would gently push me. As we moved up, I could feel his hand and we kept moving until we got to the top. The view from the top was indeed worth it. As he was behind me, pushing, it made all the difference and I knew the reward would be great. Mountains are a symbol of temples. Remember that the view is not far from us.
We can be assured that we can get there if we keep moving and that we can see the view from above.
Quote: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”
That is my testimony also. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Next week's lesson is # 8 “Temple Blessings for Ourselves and Our Ancestors”
Have a wonderful week.


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