Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lupe's Notes ~ Mar. 4, 2012

The Holy Priesthood—for the Blessing of God's Children

What a lovely day this turn out to be. And what a wonderful spirit was felt as we heard testimonies of the Savior and his goodness.

THOUGHT: Each of the major writers of the Book of Mormon testified that he wrote for future generations...”If they saw our day and chose those things which would be of greatest worth to us, is not that how we should study the Book of Mormon? We should constantly ask ourselves, 'Why did the Lord inspire Mormon (or Moroni or Alma) to include that in his record? What lesson can I learn from that to help me live in this day and age?'...”...In the Book of Mormon we find lessons for dealing with persecution and apostasy. We learn much about how to do missionary work. And more than anywhere else, we see in the Book of Mormon the dangers of materialism and setting our hearts on the things of the world. Can anyone doubt that this book was meant for us and that in it we find great power, great comfort, and great protection?”
President Ezra Taft Benson

  1. March Preparedness: make an emergency family plan. Check the blog for more information and review your Preparedness Binder. Http://manila12thwardrs.blogspotcom
  2. Our sweet sister Sharon Backman is not doing well. Please keep her in your prayers. You will be getting an e-mail regarding her situation and how you can help.
  3. Remember that Tuesday, March 6th is our Ward Anniversary Annual Endowment Session – be at the Temple Chapel by 7:45 pm and then we will be doing an 8:15 session after a member of the Temple Presidency will address us.
  4. Empty Nesters - Monday, Mar. 5th at 7 pm at Harold & Carolyn Asplunds (1139 E 1350 N) Sharon Anderson will speak on “Joseph Smith”
  5. WARD CONFERENCE next Sunday. Please try to be in your seats before 9 am.
  6. STAKE TECHNOLOGY DAY – Saturday, March 17th from 9 am – noon @ the Manila Building. We will have an opening keynote, followed by 2 sessions of breakout meetings where you will hear from several knowledgeable speakers. To register, visit
  7. BLOOD DRIVE – Saturday, March 17th. Contact Brother Moon if you haven't signed up.
  8. RELIEF SOCIETY BIRTHDAY DINNER – Thursday, March 29th at 6:30 pm in the Manila Building by the blue silos. “Circled in Something Extraordinary”. We will sample foods from all over the world.

Our lesson today was presented by Tiffany and it was Lesson 5 The Holy Priesthood—for the Blessing of God's Children

It's been a while since I have been here, kind of a little vacation between Stake Conference and my having to travel. I am grateful for the opportunity to study, read and ponder this lesson. Two thoughts came to my mind as I did so.
  1. I think about the things that I hold dearest and nearest to me. The blessings as a result of the priesthood.
  2. All hope for the eternities as a result of the blessings of the priesthood. The spirit testifying to me of the hope for the blessings in eternity.
I wanted to include the chapter on the priesthood from Daughters in My Kingdom “Blessings of the Priesthood for All”. So if you have a chance, please read it.

When Megan taught she shared with us quotes from President Smith.
“… When father was absent from home on a mission, mother took his place, and she was really the head of the house in his absence. We attended to our prayers, and had a blessing on the food, and in case of sickness, she called in the elders, for she had great faith in the ordinances of the gospel. She has always been a strict tithe-payer, and as far as I have been able to discover, there has never entered her mind a thought that perhaps there might be a mistake and ‘Mormonism’ not be true. She believes it with all her soul.”
In particular, George Albert Smith remembered his mother teaching him to pray and trust that God would answer: “When I think of the influence of my mother when I was a little [boy] I am moved to reverence and tears. … I remember as though it were yesterday, she took me by the hand and we walked up a flight of stairs to the second story. There I knelt before her and held her hand as she taught me to pray. Thank God for those mothers who have in their hearts the spirit of the Gospel and a desire to bless.”
As I reread this, it truly touched me and it truly reflects his teachings.
During the priesthood session of general conference on October 2, 1948, President George Albert Smith said:
I wonder sometimes if as fathers we take pains to explain to our boys the seriousness of the obligation assumed when a boy becomes a deacon. I wonder if when the boy is ordained a deacon the father lets him feel that he has something now that is eternally important. …
I remember, as if it were yesterday, when John Tingey placed his hands on my head and ordained me a deacon. I had the matter so presented to me and the importance of it, that I felt it was a great honor. The result was, it was a blessing to me, and then after awhile other ordinations came to me. But in each case the foundation was laid in my mind that here was an opportunity for another blessing.”
It's interesting that he chose to share an experience from his youth about his Home Teacher.
Rodney Badger was a teacher in my father’s home for years, and a great man. Whenever he came the family met and he sat and asked us questions and told us the things that he thought we ought to understand. And I want to tell you that when he came into our home he brought the spirit of the Lord with him. And when he went out we felt we had had a visit from a servant of the Lord.”
Would any of you like to share an experience about a home teacher?
Amy W: My grandfather was such an exemplary priesthood holder in my life. We lived in Jamaica when I turned 8 and my branch president told me he would be very honored to baptize me. He had a pool and it could be done there. Even though it would have been an experienced being baptized in a pool I told him no, I want to be baptized by my grandfather in California in a font. It was important to me to have my grandfather do it. I don't think dad felt awkward having grandfather do it because my grandfather was a very gentle and kind man. It was important to me and he was anxious to serve in a loving way.
Gayla: I remember that my parents would gather us children in the room when the home teachers came. I remember two home teachers who always came, and how they cared about us. They would talk to us. They were devoted to home teaching.
Carol B: One of our home teachers is a youth by the name of Jared Stevens. I had heard that some of the young men would just sit and listen to the old people talk. So I requested that Jared share some thoughts from Teach My Gospel and he would pretend that we were investigators. The next time the home teachers came, I was overcome with the loving spirit of God as he gave his short simple lesson and at the end bore testimony. They are living good lives even though they are being raided in enemy territory, as President Packard said.
I too have hope for the church as I see the young men and women.
Jesus Christ restored divine authority to the earth during His mortal ministry.
When the Savior came in the meridian of time, He found that great city of Jerusalem teeming with evil. The inhabitants were living in such a way that they had lost divine authority, so [God] sent His Son into the world and began again a Church possessing divine power. … There were those in His line who were good people, … and there were others who were still officiating in the Priesthood, but it was necessary for the Savior to come to restore divine authority. …
When He began His ministry, He did not call to His aid the kings and rulers and priests and those who were high in authority, but He called the humble fishermen, and the result was that He gathered around Him men who could be taught, and not men who would not believe Him. He organized a Church under the direction of our Heavenly Father. He conferred divine authority upon His associates and directed them as to what they should do. … He had divine authority, and the righteous ones recognized Him to be the Son of God. Some think Him only to be a good man. We believe He came upon the earth not alone to teach the people what to do, but to confer on His associates divine authority to administer the ordinances of His Church.
I found that very ofter educated people rely on their own knowledge and it is very difficult to preach the gospel to them. The less educated people are more trusting, more open to invite the missionaries into their homes.
I agree. I had an experienced being asked what set the Church apart from other religions. Why do you believe what you believe?
President Smith continues:
In the days of the Savior, He was the presiding authority. Next to Him came a quorum of twelve men, chosen by Him. When He passed away, the Quorum of Twelve, not a number of ordinary men who called themselves disciples, but a quorum of twelve men who possessed divine authority and had received it from Jesus Christ, became the leadership of the Church.
I felt that this was the theme throughout the lesson Divine authority sets us apart.
The power and authority of God can be fund only in His true Church.
I have had men ask me: “Of what benefit is your church more than some other church?” I have tried, in a tactful way, to explain to them the difference. Any organization may band together for worship, but that does not give them divine authority. Any group of churches may mass together and organize community churches. That does not confer divine authority. Men may unite for good purposes, but authority from our Heavenly Father is only obtained in his way, and his way in former days was by calling and ordaining men and setting them apart for the work. The same thing is true in our day.
How would you respond if you were asked this same question?
Alisa: I would say what President Hinckley said. Bring what good you have and we'll ass to that. Like the Book of Mormon. Have you ever heard of the Book of Mormon?
Robby: When I first joined the Church, a relative of my ex-husband asked me why I was leaving the Church of England to join this Church? At that time, I had a feeling deep in my heart and I knew that this was the answer. Years later someone said, “we're all at different stages in our life in our progression. Now it is up to me to progress.
Angie: We have a living prophet to guide us today

The priesthood was restored in our day by men who held it anciently.

It is recorded and recognized in heaven and on earth that creeds and denominations multiplied after [Jesus Christ] left the earth, and the churches increased in number upon the earth, until in the days of Joseph Smith, our beloved prophet, there were many denominations. There were many men who pretended to possess divine authority, and I think some of them thought they had received it. …
When the time came and the world had lost the authority or Priesthood, the Lord called a humble boy and gave him a heavenly manifestation and talked to him, told him what he should do, and sent other messengers and heavenly beings from time to time, the result of which was the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and in that Church was deposited divine authority. …
When Joseph Smith was a young man the Lord directed him to translate the Book of Mormon. On one occasion when Joseph and Oliver Cowdery were translating, the Lord sent a holy being to answer their questions about baptism. Who was he that came? John the Baptist, who held the Aaronic Priesthood. Where did he come from? He came from heaven. … He appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery as a glorious resurrected being. He came directed by our Heavenly Father to confer the Aaronic Priesthood upon Joseph and Oliver, for it was not to be found any place in all the world. It was necessary that the heavens open and a man who had held the Priesthood, and still held it, should come and confer it.
Following that, Peter, James and John, who held the Melchizedek Priesthood, conferred that Priesthood upon Joseph and Oliver, and the Lord directed the organization of the Church, with a Presidency, consisting of a president and two counselors; also a Quorum of Twelve Apostles, a Patriarch, High Priests, Seventies, Elders, Priests, Teachers and Deacons; the same kind of an organization that existed in the primitive church, as far as authority was concerned.
Basically this is how we have the church organized today.
The fifth article of faith tells us. 'We believe that a man must be ordained of God, by prophecy and by the laying on of hands by those who in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.'
That same authority is conferred to our husbands, sons. This same priesthood give us the blessings to teach us and help us progress on the earth. The restored priesthood is here to bless and to guide us.
Priesthood ordinances are essential for us to enter the celestial kingdom.
I wrote down some personal points to ponder.
The question that President Smith asked “How would it affect us if we had to part with the authority that God has conferred upon us?
My father passed away 5 years ago and I am grateful for the keys that have been restored. I feel the influence of those gone for us, especially in the temple.
When have you felt his influence?
Robby: I didn't have a husband in the church and had to rely on my home teachers when I had a sick child etc. Then I married Guy who had the priesthood. One day I was sick and was given a blessing, but not by Guy. I was told in that blessing that he is my reward for being faithful.
Pat H: Only a few women in the world are surround by priesthood. I marvel that many Christian women don't realize what is missing from their lives. I went on a cruise with my daughter and one evening at the dinner table, there was a couple , more my daughter's age and before eating, they took their hands across the table, closed their eyes and bless their food. And here I was, not even blessing my food. Another night we sat by a Baptist couple who were excited to have real life Mormons. They asked us about our missionary system and they told us about their Church. The had a strong testimony of the Savior. They may not have the gospel but they are good people on the earth. There is much more we can do, express our gratitude for the way we live.
President Smith: “I pray that the Lord will bless us all, that we will be worthy to bear the priesthood that He has offered to us and conferred upon us, that wherever we go people will be able to say, “That man is a servant of the Lord”
We don't have the priesthood, but we can receive and share in the blessings of it.
Priesthood holders have a responsibility to live exemplary lives and use the priesthood to bless others.
You cannot go out into the world in any other Church or in all other Churches and find … men holding divine authority. Do not forget that. You belong to a choice body of men, … having had hands laid upon them, and receiving divine authority, making you partners with the Master of Heaven and Earth. I do not mean that you can’t laugh, smile, and enjoy life, but I do mean that there should be deep in every soul a consciousness that “I am my brother’s keeper. I hold authority from the Lord Jesus Christ—I am a bearer of the Holy Priesthood.” If we will do this we will not be found trifling with sacred things as some have done in the past.
The fact that they hold the Priesthood will be to many men a condemnation, because of the manner in which they have treated it, regarding it as though it were something very ordinary."
So what is my role, how I treated the priesthood blessings I receive. What is my responsibility?
Amy W: All the ordinances go away. When Emma turned 8 Paul was away in Afghanistan and we were blessed that he could schedule to be here to baptise her. It was important for me to provide a father who had the priesthood.
And again when I was young and my family lived in Jamaica in 1977, there were two families who joined the church but there were no men who held the priesthood. It was them and my mom and my sister and I. Then a new family moved in, and they four sons the youngest was twelve and the oldest was seventeen. They were the whole priesthood on the island along with their father. So we held block meetings because it would take the other families so long to get to church, about a 6 hour drive. They would come, we would have sacrament meeting and then we would do lunch and then do all of the other things. It was a blessing to have priesthood. Then one day my mother told me that something important was happening. The other families would now have church on the other side of the island. I hated that. But until that new family moved it we couldn't have anything else other than Family Home Evening.
I want to close with President Smith's testimony

I have lived a long time, as compared with the average of human beings, and I have had a happy life. It will not be many years, in the natural course of events, till the summons to the other side will reach me. I look forward to that time with pleasant anticipation. And after eighty years in mortality, traveling in many parts of the world, associating with many great and good men and women, I witness to you, that I know today better than I ever knew before that God lives; that Jesus is the Christ; that Joseph Smith was a prophet of the Living God; and that the Church that he organized under the direction of our Heavenly Father, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints … is operating under the power and authority of the same priesthood that was conferred by Peter, James, and John upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. I know this, as I know that I live, and I realize that to bear this testimony to you is a very serious matter and that I shall be held accountable by my Heavenly Father for this and all other things that I have taught in his name. … With love and kindness in my heart for all, I bear this witness in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Have a wonderful week.


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