Manila 12th Ward Relief Society

Circled in Strength

They Want To Be Found

A Little Research Goes a Long Way!

Cemeteries Give Accurate Details Has Millions of Cemetery Records.

William Aaron Burnes 1967-2006

How to Write an Obituary, Bio or Tribute.

USS Princess Matoika

My Grandpa's WWI Naval Ship

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Getting Started with Genealogy

I know there are many of you who don't know where to begin with genealogy. Lucky for you, we live a world of technology and information and it's much easier than you realize. I have listed my top 5 getting started tips below.

My top 5 Getting Started Tips: 

Start Organized, Start Talking, Start Recording, Start Researching, Start Sharing

1. Start Organized: The best way to keep your Genealogy organized, is to start organized with these simple materials & programs
  • Large 5 Star Notebook. I like this one because it's thick and has 5 folder dividers for your records.
  • Your favorite pencil or pen
  • Software to archive all the Family info you will be accumulating. Here's one of the FREE software programs I use; PAF 5. You Can download it for FREE by clicking here >> 
2. Start Talking: Call up or email Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts, Uncles, Cousin or friends to get you started. I found that men are better at remembering stories from events and women are better at remembering names, dates & places. So use both to get a full detailed record of your family history. As you are talking, make sure you are recording all these details in your notebook or Software program.

3. Start Recording:  If you haven't already downloaded PAF 5, start now. It's free, easy to use, and gives you many different types of reports and pedigrees. This is a free software from the Church's Family Search Website, I love it and you'll love it too!! Click here to download of PAF 5

4. Start Researching:  Unless you have a family Bible with generations of records, you'll need the Internet to launch you into the next step; research. These are my top 7 websites that I use and highly recommend to all: (click on the link to visit the site).

  1. New Family Search ~
  2. Ancestry ~*
  3. Archives ~*
  4. Find A Grave ~
  5. US Gen Web ~
  6. One Great Family ~*
  7. Google ~
*Requires a membership fee that can be payed on monthly or yearly basis, but a Free trial before you decide.

5. Start Sharing:  Once you have recorded your family history, print it out and share it with all your family members, including distant relatives. It's not only a priceless gift, but you are educating your family on your heritage; they will love it!!

Have fun getting started!!

Sister Spotlight COMING SOON!

The Relief Society has decided to have a monthly Sister Spotlight for getting to know our wonderful Ward Sisters. Stay Tuned for our first Sister Spotlight...

Lupe's Notes ~ Jan 29, 2012

Hello sisters, hope you are having a good Sabbath.

THOUGHT: “...This is a noisy and busy world that we live in. Remember that being busy is not necessarily being spiritual. If we are not careful, the things of this world can crowd out the things of the Spirit.”
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin

  1. Women's Basketball – Women's Basketball will start on January 19, and run through February 23. Games will be played at the Manila Building on 900 W directly North of the pond and across from the blue silos on Thursday evenings from 8:30-10 pm. “Open Gym” style games will be played. All skill levels are invited to play, including beginners. This should be a fun time to get some exercise, meet your sisters in the stake, and develop your talents. Any questions may be directed to Wendy Pinson (801)830-2562 or Stephanie Wilson (801)703-4366.
  2. Next Sunday,(Fast Sunday) we will have our Visiting Teacher's Conference. We are asking you to please read, study and ponder chapter 7 from “Daughters in my Kingdom”.
  3. This year in lieu of individual birthday gifts, we will celebrate each sister's birthday by having a quarterly Brunch. We will give the gift of each other. Each member of the Presidency will host a Brunch. Looking forward to celebrating with you.
  4. Please mark your calendar “Stake Women's Conference, Saturday, April 21st at 10:00 am. More information coming.
  5. Our annual Ward Temple night to celebrate our Ward's birthday will be March 6th for the 8 pm session.
  6. Don't forget to visit our RS Blog . Lots of good stuff there
BIRTHDAYS: 29th, Emily Lesher. Happy Birthday.

This combined fifth Sunday lesson was presented by our Bishop. Between my notes and his, we should have all the information he presented.

I want to talk about marriage, Covenant marriage and its role in our eternal progression and welfare.

In doing this, I want to acknowledge the many single individuals that are here. The last thing that I would want is to have you feel neglected or forgotten as we discuss this today. Some may be single because they have experienced loss through death or divorce. Some may have yet to have the opportunity.

As I looked at articles I found President Hinckley's 1996 address to Singles. Quoting his secretary who was a single member:
For more than 20 years I have endured a lack of sensitivity of members of the Church with respect to my single state. As I have pursued my profession, I have moved to various areas of the country. In seeking participation in local Church activities, I have encountered a variety of levels of welcome and acceptance, ranging from a warm, friendly welcome to a very cool indifference and an air of discomfort that seems to stem from their lack of knowing what to do with me. In one ward I felt strongly that the members would prefer that I not attend. This continued for nearly six months, and I finally sensed a passive acceptance, as thou I were a nuisance that wouldn't go away, and so must be tolerated.”

I would hope that feeling never gets communicated in this ward. I love and value all of you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

February 2012 Preparedness Reminder

President Monson encourages us to prepare in all aspects of life so that we can win the prize.  Here are his words taken from his new book "Teachings".  "....The race of life is so important, the prize so valued, that great emphasis must necessarily be placed on adequate and thorough preparation."  This must also apply to emergency preparedness.  Keep up the good work and make it a part of your life on a regular routine basis.

This month we are getting out those 72 hour kits and reviewing them.  The batteries need to be replaced so they are fresh.  The clothing sizes need to be reviewed and updated.  The foods need to be used up and replaced with a fresh supply unless they are freeze dried.  The first aid items may need refreshing.  Evaluate your kits.  Remind family members which kits are theirs and where the kits are stored.  They should be located close to an exit for quick evacuation.  Practice an evacuation.  The more we review the more quickly we can respond.  President Monson says, "Preparation precedes performance."

~ Here are the February Handouts for our Preparedness Binders ~
Click here to download & print these papers
Click on image to enlarge

Page 2 ~ Click image to enlarge 

Thanks Karen :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lupe's Notes ~ Jan 22, 2012

What a beautiful day, snow on the mountains and blue sky.

THOUGHT: “When Laman and Lemuel asked, “What meaneth the rod of iron?' Nephi answered, 'It was the word of God; and [note this promise] whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.' Not only will the word of God lead us to the fruit which is desirable above all others, but in the word of God and through it we can find the power to resist temptation, the power to thwart the work of Satan and his emissaries”.
President Ezra Taft Benson

  1. Stake Women's Conference has been changed to Saturday, April 21st at 10:00 am. More details to come.
  2. Women's Basketball will start on January 19 and run through February 23. Games will be played at the Manila building (on 900 W directly North at the pond and across from the blue silos) on Thursday evenings from 8:30-10 pm. We will play “open gym” style games. All skill levels are invited to play. This should be a fun time to get so,e exercise, meet your sisters in the stake, and develop your talents. Question, contact Wendy Pinson 830.2562 or Stephanie Wilson 703.4366.
  3. Next Sunday we will have a combined Priesthood/Relief Society meeting.
  4. On Sunday February 5th, we will have our Visiting Teachers Conference. We are asking you to place read, study and ponder chapter 7 from the book “Daughters in my Kingdom”. If you still do not have a book, please contact a member of the RS Presidency.
  5. This year in lieu of individual birthday gifts, we will celebrate each sister's birthday by having a quarterly Brunch. For example birthdays that fall in Jan., Feb, and March, will be celebrated sometime in March. We will give the gift of each other. Each member of the RS Presidency will host a Brunch. Looking forward to celebrating with you.

BIRTHDAYS: Jan., 27th, Juliana Glenn; Jan. 28th Karen Glenn, and Jan., 29th, Emily Lesher.

It was so fun to be together on Wednesday as Relief Society Sisters, Young Women and Activity Day girls working on our Humanitarian Projects. It looked like everyone had a wonderful time visiting and working on projects that will benefit those in need. We accomplished something great. I thought that it would be fun for everyone to know what we were able to do as we worked together.

We made:
14 fleece blankets
9 tote bags
12 file folder games
25 fabric hair flowers
and 70 dolls.

Ron & Sally Saunders Blog Info

Dear Family and loved ones,

Attached is the connection to our blog for December.  We hope and pray that Christmas was special for each of you this year. We felt the spirit of Christ in our lives many ways and times here in the mission field.  We hope the coming year will be spiritually rewarding to each of you.  Just click on our blogspot to bring it up for viewing.  

Love Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Ron and Sal                
Elder and Sister Saunders

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lupes Note's ~ Jan 15, 2012

Good afternoon sisters. What a wonderful day it has been.

THOUGHT: “The singing of hymns is one of the best ways to learn the doctrine of the restored gospel” and “is a glorious way to worship.”
Dallin H. Oak

  1. Stake Woman's Basketball: January 17 and run through Feb. 28th. Games will be played at the Manila Building (on 900 W directly North of the pond and across from the blue silos) on Tuesday evenings from :30-10 pm. “Open Gym” style games will be played. All skill levels are invited to play, including beginners.
  2. Relief Society “Circled in Warmth” Humanitarian Activity: Wednesday Jan. 18th at 7 pm. All women, young women and activity day girls are invited to participate. Refreshments will be provided.
  3. Reminder that our Church cleaning day is now on Saturday mornings at 8:00 am.
  4. Stake Relief Society W omen's Conference will be on Saturday, February 25th at 10:00 am. Put on your calendar.
BIRTHDAYS: Jan. 10th, Shanae Nay; Jan. 14th Lisa Miller; Jan 20th Staci Caroll. Happy Birthday to you.

Our lesson today was presented by Amy Waldron, lesson 2 “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

We will do quotes from George Albert Smith. As we review these quotes, think in your mind which ones are specific for you to work on. Please don't beat up on yourself and feel that you are bad for not feeling that you are not doing all that you think you should. For example let's consider number one.

Quote one: “I would like to say I have never seen one of my Father's children in my life that I have not realized he was my brother and that God loves every one of his children.”

Click Here To

Thursday, January 5, 2012

RS Temple Day

Event name: Relief Society Temple Day
Event description: Join us for the 10:00 endowment session. Meet in the chapel before the session. Stay for lunch in the temple cafeteria after the session, if you can. Hope to see you there!

Event date: Jan 5, 2012
Event time: 10:00 AM
Calendar name: Relief Society

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lupe's Notes ~ Jan 1, 2012

Good afternoon sisters, I love that I don't have to wait until dinner to do the newsletter. What a wonderful spirit we enjoyed today in our meetings. Elder Sumsion's remarks were great and Brother Duckworth's message was wonderful.

THOUGHT: “Who, even in the wildest stretch of imagination, can fathom the uncountable acts of charity that have been performed, the food that has been put on barren tables, the faith that has been nurtured in desperate hours of illness, the wounds that have been bound up, the pains that have been ameliorated by loving hands and quiet and reassuring words, the comfort that has been extended in times of death and consequent loneliness?”
Gordon B. Hinckey

  1. Sisters, please report your visiting teaching to your supervisors before Tuesday of this week. All the information has to be turned in to the Ward Clerk on Wednesday.
  2. Relief Society Temple session on Thursday, at the 10:00 am session. Meet in the Chapel and after the session we'll do lunch in the cafeteria.
  3. Wednesday, January 18th at 7 pm, “Circled in Warmth” - Humanitarian Activity. Young Women and Activity Day girls are invited.!
  4. Congratulations to Haley Holmstead who is attending school in Alaska. She was voted Basketball MVP .
BIRTHDAYS: Whitney Nicholson, Jan. 3rd and Jen Rutter on Jan 5th. Have a great birthday sisters.

Our lesson today was taught by Megan D., from the new manual Teachings of Presidents of the Church GEORGE ALBERT SMITH, chapter 1 - LIVING WHAT WE BELIEVE.

Our religion must find expression in our everyday lives.

This is an interesting lesson. As I have spent time reading and studying and praying in preparation for this lesson, I received inspiration that I should not spent much time preparing, that I should spent time with my family, so I will need your prayers and feelings as we go along.

Click Here To

January 2012 Preparedness Reminder

The Preparedness for January will focus on Finances, Budgeting, Saving, and Adding to our savings for an emergency.  We hope everyone has received the handouts on your door.  It's just a reminder that we still have a duty to ourselves and families to keep up the efforts to prepare.  Christmas leaves some a little behind financially and we need to reevaluate where we are.  Families can work together to discuss ways to save and ways to sacrifice to fulfill personal and family goals.  We are counseled to put money away for emergency - not just money in the bank but in a safe, hidden place in our homes that we can get to in the event of evacuation or the event the banks are not available to us (power outages, etc.)  Some have suggested a month's supply would be a good recommendation.  That is up to your family and is an individual thing.  The Lord will guide and direct you as your prayerfully strive to do all you can to follow the wisdom of our Leaders.

~ Here are the January Handouts for our Preparedness Binders ~
Click here to download & print these papers
Click on image to enlarge