Dear Relief Society Sisters,
Lupe is out of town this week; how
could we even begin to replicate "LUPE's infamous NOTES"?

Please know we love
you and hope you enjoy a fabulous Thanksgiving with your loved ones! We
feel circled in your love and strength!
Happy Birthday to many of our
sisters...Nov 26 - Melissa Brady & Jennifer Cirone, Nov 27 - Melissa
Shelton, Nov 28 - Becky Daley, Nov 29 - Luone Ingram, Nov 30 - Jami Edman and
Amy Nelson!
Please come to our FINAL RS BIRTHDAY BRUNCH - Sat, Dec 8th at my house at 11 am. (Martha
Montagnoli, 1198 N 1190 E)
If you have/had a birthday in OCT,
NOV, or DEC - or if you had a birthday in another month and have not yet gone
to a RS Birthday Brunch - THIS PARTY IS FOR YOU!
* Circled in His
Footsteps - Thurs Nov 29 at 6:30 pm at the A-Frame church across from
our bldg. Come enjoy a lovely
dinner and photo presentation of the Holy Land, by Amy Nelson.
If you need a babysitter for this event, a young woman will come to
your home to offer this great service! Email Tara Barrus if you would
like a babysitter. She'll arrange it.
* Ward Christmas Party! Sat Dec 15th at 9:30 am.
CHRISTMAS ELVES RESCUE MISSION! Come enjoy a delicious breakfast
and an opportunity to give back and spread Christmas cheer! Wear your
PJ's or comfy clothes, kids will visit with Santa, and we'll have fun as Santa's
elves - participating in some great service projects! There are sign ups
for fruit, muffins, and donuts. Also if you have a skillet the committee
can borrow, please let Jen Rutter or Ashley Pead know. Thank you!
* Tithing Settlement begins next week. Please remember to
sign up.
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