Dear Relief Society Sisters,
Lupe is out of town this week; how
could we even begin to replicate "LUPE's infamous NOTES"?
We wish you all could
have been with us for Pat H. inspiring lesson, "Bringing up Children
in Light and Truth" - #22. We were all blessed and strengthened as
Pat so eloquently shared President George Albert Smith's teachings and her own
knowledge, insights, and testimony. We were uplifted and enlightened by
wonderful comments. Oh, if only Lupe were there - you would have felt
like you were in the very room. How we love Lupe! :) You'll have to
read the lesson; it is a great one. Thank you Pat for blessing us! I
loved this quote she shared from President Smith: "Call your families
about you, and if you have failed in the past to give them an understanding of
the purposes of life and a knowledge of the Gospel of our Lord, do it now, for
I say to you as a servant of the Lord, they need it now and they will need it
from now on."
Please know we love
you and hope you enjoy a fabulous Thanksgiving with your loved ones! We
feel circled in your love and strength!
Happy Birthday to many of our
sisters...Nov 26 - Melissa Brady & Jennifer Cirone, Nov 27 - Melissa
Shelton, Nov 28 - Becky Daley, Nov 29 - Luone Ingram, Nov 30 - Jami Edman and
Amy Nelson!
Please come to our FINAL RS BIRTHDAY BRUNCH - Sat, Dec 8th at my house at 11 am. (Martha
Montagnoli, 1198 N 1190 E)
If you have/had a birthday in OCT,
NOV, or DEC - or if you had a birthday in another month and have not yet gone
to a RS Birthday Brunch - THIS PARTY IS FOR YOU!
* Circled in His
Footsteps - Thurs Nov 29 at 6:30 pm at the A-Frame church across from
our bldg. Come enjoy a lovely
dinner and photo presentation of the Holy Land, by Amy Nelson.
If you need a babysitter for this event, a young woman will come to
your home to offer this great service! Email Tara Barrus if you would
like a babysitter. She'll arrange it.
* Ward Christmas Party! Sat Dec 15th at 9:30 am.
CHRISTMAS ELVES RESCUE MISSION! Come enjoy a delicious breakfast
and an opportunity to give back and spread Christmas cheer! Wear your
PJ's or comfy clothes, kids will visit with Santa, and we'll have fun as Santa's
elves - participating in some great service projects! There are sign ups
for fruit, muffins, and donuts. Also if you have a skillet the committee
can borrow, please let Jen Rutter or Ashley Pead know. Thank you!
* Tithing Settlement begins next week. Please remember to
sign up.
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