Good afternoon Sisters. What a wonderful Sacrament Meeting we had today.
THOUGHT: “As you love Him, trust Him, believe Him, and
follow Him, you will feel His love and approval.”
Elder Neil L. Andersen
- Please report you visiting teaching
to your Supervisor.
- Empty Nesters tomorrow night at the
North's home at 7 pm. Ken N. will share with us his visit to China.
- Mini class - “Things that matter
most” by Sarah H. at her home (1157 N 1190 E) at 7 pm. On October 25th.
- “Circle in His
Footsteps” - dinner and presentation by Amy N. on her trip to
Israel in November. More info coming.
- We have a cannery
assignment for October 15th. If interested contact Milt M.
- Birthday Brunch on October 13th
at 11 am at Lupe's home (1245 N 1150 E) for all sisters who had a birthday
in July, Aug and Sept. It will be a Mexican Brunch. If you were not able
to attend the other brunches, you can attend this one.
BIRTHDAYS: October 3rd – Sondra Holmstead; Oct.
3rd – Karen Moon. Happy birthday to you. Have a great day.
Our lesson today was presented by Darla Cox from
Conference address “What Thinks Christ of Me?” by Elder Neil L.
I am so grateful to be here; it has been an
awesome month. Two weeks ago we had our Regional Conference and last Sunday the
dedication of the Brigham City Temple. Last night we enjoyed the General Relief
Society Broadcast. It was fantastic. I want to share with you something
interesting. Six month ago Neil Andersen have a talk “What Thinks Christ of
Me?” and last night the new Relief Society General Presidency sisters took many
of his words as they talked to us. He was there lst night and I'm sure he was
pleased as how the sisters reinterated his remarks. We get to review it today.
The Lord's timing is always perfect.
“Jesus asked the Pharisees, “What think ye of
Christ?” In the final assessment, our personal discipleship will not be judged
by friends or foes. Rather, as Paul said, “We shall all stand before the
judgment seat of Christ.” At that day the important question for each of us
will be, “What thinks Christ of me?”
President Monson has described our day as moving
away “from that which is spiritual...[with] the winds of change [swirling]
around us and the moral fiber of society [continuing] to disintegrate before
our very eyes.” It is a time of growing disbelief in and disregard for Christ
and His teachings.”
Loved how Brother Chou commented on preparing.
We are living in different times.
Lat night Sister Linda Burton, the new General
Relief Society president mentioned three things that refer to the Atonement.
- All will be made right
through the Atonement.
- There is power in the
Atonement to enable us to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
- The Sacrifice of his
perfect son is evidence that his Father loves us.
Holly B read: “Being a disciple in these days
of destiny will be a badge of honor throughout the eternities.” Like Sister
Burton said last night. Have it written in our hearts; that will be our badge
of honor.
I love how we have the privilege to be followers
of Christ. “Jesus's call “Come, follow me” is not only for those prepared to
compete in a spiritual Olympics. In fact, discipleship is not a competition at
all but an invitation to all. Our journey of discipleship is not a dash around
the track, nor is it fully comparable to a lengthy marathon. In truth, it is a
lifelong migration toward a more celestial world.”
Sister Stevens, the new first counselor said
that we need to awake to our duty. It's an invitation to our daily duty. Elder
Andersen said: “His invitation is a call to daily duty. Jesus said: “If ye
love me, keep my commandments.” “If any man will come after me, let him deny
himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” We may not be at our very
best every day, but if we are trying, Jesus's bidding is full of encouragement
and hope: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will
give you rest.”
Last night President Eyring said want to talk
about what you have done. Also, wants to talk about what is to come.
The perfect example of discipleship is President
Monson as to how he shares his love for people. Elder Andersen shares an
example of discipleship in action from the life of President Monson,
demonstrating the power of simple kindness and Jesus's teaching, “He that is
greatest among you shall be your servant.”
“Nearly 20 years ago, President Monson spoke
in general conference about a 12-year-old young woman suffering from cancer. He
told of her courage and the kindness of her friends to carry her up Mount Timpanogos
in central Utah.
“A few years ago I met Jami Palmer Brinton
and heard the story from a different perspective—the perspective of what
President Monson had done for her.
“Jami met President Monson in March 1993, a
day after being told that a mass above her right knee was a fast-growing bone
cancer. With her father assisting, President Monson administered a priesthood
blessing, promising, “Jesus will be on your right side and on your left side to
buoy you up.”
Heard this last night too.
“Upon leaving his office that day, “ Jami
said, “I unfastened a balloon tied to my wheelchair and gave it to him. 'You're
the Best!' it announced in bright letters.”
“Through her chemotherapy treatments and
limb-saving surgery, President Monson did not forget her. Jami said, “President
Monson exemplified what it means to be a true disciple of Christ. [He] lifted
me from sorrow to great and abiding hope.” Three years after their first
meeting, Jami again sat in President Monson's office. At the end of the meeting,
he did something that Jami will never forget. So typical of President Monson's
thoughtfulness, he surprised her with the very same balloon that she had given
to him three years before. “You're the Best!” the balloon proclaimed. He had
saved it, knowing she would return to his office when she was cured of cancer.
Fourteen years after first meeting Jami, President Monson performed her
marriage to Jason Brinton in the Salt Lake Temple.
I thought how did he get the same balloon? He
knew she would come back.
At the Regional Conference William Walker the
executive Director of Temple Department told the story of President Monson at
the Hawaiian Temple rededication. The night prior was a night of celebration
and festivities. It was a program of song and dances) There was a large group
of girls dancing and President Monson turned to him and said “Look at the
beautiful girl in the wheelchair dancing. She is doing so well (the girl was on
the front row in a wheelchair and she was dancing with her hands) Afterward, he
went directly to her as if there was no one else there and he complimented her
and then kissed her on the forehead. He really does foucs on the one.
Wherever you now find yourself on the road of
discipleship, you are on the right road, the road toward eternal life. Together
we can lift and strengthen one another in the great and important days ahead.
Whatever the difficulties confronting us, the weaknesses confining us, or the
impossibilities surrounding us, let us have faith in the Son of God, who declared,
“All things are possible to him that believeth.”
“Jesus told the leader of the synagogue, “Be
not afraid, only believe.” Discipleship is believing Him in seasons of peace
and believing him in seasons of peace and believing Him in seasons of difficulty,
when our pain and fear are calmed only by the convicton that He loves us and
keeps His promises.”
“I recently met a family who is a beautiful
example of how we believe Him. Olgan and Soline Saintelus, from Port-au-Prince,
Haiti, told me thwir sotry.
On January 12, 2010, Olgan was at work and
Soline was at the church when a devastating earthquake struck Haiti. Their
three children—Gancci, age five, Angie, age three, and Gansly, age one—were at
home in their apartment with a friend.
Massive devastation was everywhere....Olgan and
Soline ran as fast as they could to their apartment to find the children. The
three-story apartment building where they lived had collapsed.
The children had not escaped. No rescue efforts
would be devoted to a building that was so completely destroyed.
Olgan and Soline had both served full-time
missions and had been married in the temple. They believed in the Savior and in
His promises to them. Yet their hearts were broken. They wept uncontrollably.
Olgan told me that in his darkest hour he began
to pray. “Heavenly Father, if it be thy will, if there could be just one of my
children alive, please, please help us.” At the Saturday night session of Stake
Conference, Elder Jay Jensen told how he had asked Elder Neal Maxwell what was
the greatest attribute we should seek to have and the answer was
'submissiveness' Here was a sign of such attribute.
Over and over he walked around the building,
praing for inspiration. The neighbors tried to confort him and help him accept
the loss of his children. Olgan continued to walk around the rubble of the
collapsed building, hoping, praying. Then something quite miraculous happened.
Olgan heard the almost inaudible cry of a baby. It was the cry of his baby.
For hours the neighbors frantically dug into the
rubble, risking their own lives. In the dark of the night, through the piercing
sounds of hammers and chisels, the rescue workers heard another sound. They
stopped their pounding and listened. They couldn't believe what they were
hearing. It was the sound of a little child—and he was singing. Five-year-old
Gancci later said that he knew his father would hear him if he sang. Under the
weight of crushing concrete that would later result in the amputation of his
arm, Gancci was singing his favorite song, “I Am a Child of God.”
As the hours passed amid the darkness, death,
and despair of so many other precious sons and daughters of God in Haiti, the
Saintelus family had a miracle. Gancci, Angie, and Gansly were discovered alive
under the flattened building.”
“Miracles are not always so immediate. At
times we thoughtfully wonder why the miracle we have so earnestly prayed for
does not happen here and now. But as we trust in the Savior, promised miracles
will occur. Whether in this life or the next, all will be made right. The
Savior declares: “let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
“In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome
the world.”
Sister Burton did say that all will be made
right through the Atonement.
I have considered my experiences and ask myself
are they written in the heart, arfe they taken into the most inner part? Do you
serve from the heart? Sister Stevens asked 'What is the cnditon of your heart? You
are doing the best you can. If you are doing your best, then you are on the
right path. You are doing better than you think you are.
Lay your burdens at his feet. The Lord's
atonement is enough to make up the difference. What are your thoughts of last
night's meeting?
Megan: I have similar feelings. I was so sad about
Sister Beck being release but was comforted to know we are in good hands. We
were counseled to search the scriptures. She talk about the feeling of great
love from Heavenly Father. We are not alone, we have the gospel and we have
Christ. We need to focus.
I think of our circle them; how all are brought
into our circle. How all came together. Any other thoughts? I love how
President Eyring said 'want to talk of what you have done. There is much to
learn and do. What is to come. Turn your faith into action. What did the good
Samaritan not do? He did not pass by, he did something. He served and then made
a plan for the future He cared because it was more than what one could do. He
loves you for any part you play. He gave counsel to the weary caregiver: And
see that all things are done in wisdom and in order. Do not run faster than
what you have strength. All things must be done in order.
Martha: I love the story of his daughter Elizabeth. I
have been the recipient of such tender messages of ministering. It's truly in
the Lord's hand. Be still and listen and follow the promptings of the spirit.
He shows his love through other people.
Martha: You are an example of discipleship. Two Sundays
ago, I was in a down moment and you came with twisters. I needed that lift at
that moment. Twist and shout.
I loved Sister Reeves, the second counselor. I
love her honesty. She talked about trials, how they can be bigger than she can
handle. Admitted she is not perfect. That she didn't feel like praying. It can
be made right. He can restore. They feel the depth of our suffering. Cast your
burdens upon the Lord. He has not forgotten you.
I'll share. You have heard me talk about my
neighbor. Eleven years ago I lost my mother and Donna has become a second mom
to me. We share grandchildren. My daughter married her grandson. I am grateful
for her. My daughter invited me to lunch for my birthday. I have a guest, she
said. My friend, my surrogate mother, my daughter and I went to lunch. Donna
told me she wanted to give me a gift, but instead I made you a card. She was a
school teacher for years and keeps a lot of things in her basement. She had
taken construction paper, folded it in half and had made me a birthday card. I
didn't sign it, she said, so we gave her a pen and she signed it 'all my love,
Donna. I thank myl daughter for giving me the best gift she could have given
me. She has ministered to me.
Amy S: At one time in my life, I really was having a
difficult time, health issues. We needed a bigger home. I was 8 months pregnant
with David and needed to clean the home that we had sold. The sisters in my
ward came and ministered to me. I will never forget their kindness. They
carried the burden for me. They too had their share of trials, but they were
If you are carrying a load or have burden, the
best thing to do is to serve others.
Amy W: Last month was my birthday and my sister was in
town. I had a great outpouring of gifts, flowers in my favorite colrs, cards.
Last year my dad passes away two week before my birthday and it was a miserable
day. He always made a big fuss about my birthday. This year was better but it
was still hard. Paul did his best, but still it was the ladies in the Relief Society,
you women in this room who share your love with me. My sister went “Wow” gifts
are still coming for you. It's just the sisters doing what they do.
We love you, we love each other. I express my
love to you. Thanks for your service.
“I testify that as you love Him, trust Him,
believe Him, and follow Him, you will feel His love and approval. As you ask,
“What thinks Christ of me?” you will know that you are His disciple; you are
His friend. By His grace He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.”
We are in this together.
Remember next week is General Conference. Enjoy.
The following week we will have lesson # 19
“Temporal and Spiritual Blessings from the Word of Wisdom” George Albert Smith
manual. It is also fast Sunday. Have a great week.
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