Good afternoon Sisters. What a wonderful Sacrament Meeting we had today.
THOUGHT: “As you love Him, trust Him, believe Him, and
follow Him, you will feel His love and approval.”
Elder Neil L. Andersen
- Please report you visiting teaching
to your Supervisor.
- Empty Nesters tomorrow night at the
North's home at 7 pm. Ken N. will share with us his visit to China.
- Mini class - “Things that matter
most” by Sarah H. at her home (1157 N 1190 E) at 7 pm. On October 25th.
- “Circle in His
Footsteps” - dinner and presentation by Amy N. on her trip to
Israel in November. More info coming.
- We have a cannery
assignment for October 15th. If interested contact Milt M.
- Birthday Brunch on October 13th
at 11 am at Lupe's home (1245 N 1150 E) for all sisters who had a birthday
in July, Aug and Sept. It will be a Mexican Brunch. If you were not able
to attend the other brunches, you can attend this one.
BIRTHDAYS: October 3rd – Sondra Holmstead; Oct.
3rd – Karen Moon. Happy birthday to you. Have a great day.
Our lesson today was presented by Darla Cox from
Conference address “What Thinks Christ of Me?” by Elder Neil L.
I am so grateful to be here; it has been an
awesome month. Two weeks ago we had our Regional Conference and last Sunday the
dedication of the Brigham City Temple. Last night we enjoyed the General Relief
Society Broadcast. It was fantastic. I want to share with you something
interesting. Six month ago Neil Andersen have a talk “What Thinks Christ of
Me?” and last night the new Relief Society General Presidency sisters took many
of his words as they talked to us. He was there lst night and I'm sure he was
pleased as how the sisters reinterated his remarks. We get to review it today.
The Lord's timing is always perfect.
“Jesus asked the Pharisees, “What think ye of
Christ?” In the final assessment, our personal discipleship will not be judged
by friends or foes. Rather, as Paul said, “We shall all stand before the
judgment seat of Christ.” At that day the important question for each of us
will be, “What thinks Christ of me?”
President Monson has described our day as moving
away “from that which is spiritual...[with] the winds of change [swirling]
around us and the moral fiber of society [continuing] to disintegrate before
our very eyes.” It is a time of growing disbelief in and disregard for Christ
and His teachings.”
Loved how Brother Chou commented on preparing.
We are living in different times.
Lat night Sister Linda Burton, the new General
Relief Society president mentioned three things that refer to the Atonement.
- All will be made right
through the Atonement.
- There is power in the
Atonement to enable us to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
- The Sacrifice of his
perfect son is evidence that his Father loves us.
Holly B read: “Being a disciple in these days
of destiny will be a badge of honor throughout the eternities.” Like Sister
Burton said last night. Have it written in our hearts; that will be our badge
of honor.