Manila 12th Ward Relief Society

Circled in Strength

They Want To Be Found

A Little Research Goes a Long Way!

Cemeteries Give Accurate Details Has Millions of Cemetery Records.

William Aaron Burnes 1967-2006

How to Write an Obituary, Bio or Tribute.

USS Princess Matoika

My Grandpa's WWI Naval Ship

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lupe's Notes ~ Feb. 26, 2012

“Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear” from the October General Conference, Elder L. Tom Perry

Good afternoon sisters. It very much looks like a spring day, except it's cold. What a good Sabbath it has been. The talks on Temples were wonderful. A good challenge for us to attend often.

THOUGHT: “My dear brothers and sisters, when pain, tests, and trials come in life, draw near to the Savior. “Wait upon the Lord....look for him' (Isaiah 8:17; 2 Nephi 18:17). 'They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint' (Isaiah 40:31). Healing comes in the Lord's time and the Lord's way; be patient”.
Elder Robert D. Hales

  1. Circled in Something Extraordinary” March 29th at 6:30 at the Church by the blue silos, we will celebrating our Relief Society birthday. There will be a dinner, and a guest speaker along with visiting. Invitations will be going out soon.
  2. WARD ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL ENDOWMENT SESSION – Tuesday March 6th, meet in back rows of Temple Chapel by 7:45 pm.
  3. Sign up for the Stake Blood Drive, March 17th. Sign up sheet will be going around again next week.
  4. STAKE TECHNOLOGY DAY "Advancements in technology are coming faster now than ever before. As a stake presidency, we are anxious to help our stake membership learn how to take full advantage of these advances, while avoiding the ever-present dangers inherent with technology. On March 17th from 9:00 am until noon we will have a unique opportunity to learn from many who are directly involved in this effort at Church Headquarters. We encourage your attendance at this unique event. Since many of our guest speakers have made special arrangements to participate, we want to make sure we understand the level of interest in each topic. Because of this, we are asking that everyone who wants to attend please register online. For registration information, please refer to the posters and flyers in the foyer, or contact Ken Knapton or Brian Jensen. We are confident that this will be a positive experience for our stake membership."
  5. Sisters, we would like to encourage you to make “Daughters in My Kingdom” a part of your daily scripture study.
  6. A reminder to visit our RS Blog
BIRTHDAYS: Feb. 28th, Pat Kreimier. Happy Birthday to you.

Our lesson today was presented by Darla, entitled “Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear” from the October General Conference, Elder L. Tom Perry

How many of you personally know Elder Perry? Or being in his presence?

Cheryl: Walked by him and he is tall.

Donna L: I have seen him at ballgames at BYU.

He is very energetic and enthusiastic.

Gayla: I remember seeing him and Elder Holland at the Stadium box during a football game doing the wave.
Click Here To

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lupe's Notes ~ Feb 19, 2012

Our lesson today is Chapter 4 Teachings of George Albert Smith, The Prophet Joseph Smith, God's Instrument in Restoring the Truth by Amy Waldron.

Good afternoon sisters. What a blessing it is to be members of the Lord's Church. What a marvelous Sacrament Meeting where we heard the Ellis family speak to us and the McRae family share their singing talents with us.

THOUGHT: “I believe when we determine within our hearts that by and with the blessings of God our Heavenly Father we will accomplish a certain labor, God gives the ability to accomplish that labor; but when we lay down, when we become discouraged, when we look at the top of the mountain and say it is impossible to climb to the summit, while we never make an effort it will never be accomplished.”
Heber J. Grant

  1. Relief Society Activity this Thursday Feb. 23rd at 7pm. Photo Shop Class at Melissa Brady's home. Bring your lap top. If you didn't have an opportunity to sign up yet, contact Melissa Brady.
  2. Put on your March Calendar,
    Ward Temple Night on Tuesday, Mar 6th. Be an the Temple chapel by 7:45 where a member of the Temple Presidency will speak to us and then we'll do an 8:15 session.
  3. Put on your March Calendar,
Thursday, March 29th at 6:30 pm at the Manila building by the blue silos. Relief Society Birthday Celebration and dinner.
  1. Sister Sharon Backman fell down her stairs attempting to vacuum the stairs. She didn't break any bones and is doing better. She is bruised and sore. Please keep her in your prayers.
  2. The Chou family wants you to know how grateful they are for your help in watching children, transporting children and the meals that have been taken in while Petra is in Hong Kong with her ill mother.
BIRTHDAY: Feb 20th: Gayla Muhlestein and Feb. 21st Janet Schetselaar. Have a great birthday.

We wish to excuse both Amy and Martha this morning.

Our lesson today is Chapter 4 Teachings of George Albert Smith, The Prophet Joseph Smith, God's Instrument in Restoring the Truth by Amy Waldron.

You will have an attachment you can look at while reading the newsletter.

I will start with a story. It's a cautionary tale. It involves my own Temple Recommend Interview with President Goodsell. I have never spoken to him, but have heard him speak and therefore I felt that I knew him and he me. That was not the case. When I got there in the waiting room, there was no one else there. I went in. Brother Jensen had signed my Temple Recommend. President Goodsell came in and he seem very kind. He said to me, Sister Amy, looking at the card, “so what does your ward have you doing?' I told him that I was the 3rd Sunday teacher in Relief Society. Marvelous, lovely. I said, “It not just a good calling. It's the best calling. Then I said, “no, not just a fine things, it's the best calling in all the church. All I have to do is have two questions to answer, I usually only have two behavior issues and I only have to go once a month. His face changed as he looked at my recommend probably wondering who had actually signed the card.

I said to him, “It was only a joke, I didn't know what he was thinking, so I try to figure out what else I could said to him to let him know that I was a good active member of the Church. In my mind I thought, I have all of the Articles of Faith memorized, can I enter that in our conversation. My kids also have them memorized. I wanted to spend time chatting with him. I wanted to extend my conversation with him. In the end he told me something I should tell the sisters. Tell you. Because I'm an obedient person, I will tell you. By the time we came out of his office, there were 20 people waiting, so I have no idea how long I was in there.

The lesson is about the Prophet Joseph Smith and our testimony about him. When I read the lesson, I thought: we all know the story of Jose Smith. What is the purpose of the lesson? To review the story? The impression I had was that it was about our testimony.

Amy R. Are you going to tell us what President Goodsell said?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lupe's Notes ~ Feb 12, 2012

Good afternoon sisters. What a wonderful and uplifting day this has been.

THOUGHT: “The overwhelming message of the Atonement is the perfect love the Savior has for each and all of us. It is a love which is full of mercy, patience grace, equity, long-suffering, and , above all, forgiving”.
Ensign, Nov. 2001, 18, 20

  1. Mark your calendars for March 6th, Our Ward Anniversary Annual Endowment Session. Be at the temple chapel by 7:45 pm for a special session.
  2. Jen Rutter had her sweet baby girl on Tuesday. They are both doing fine and is much loved by the brothers.
  3. Thanks for all the help this week, either with Jen Rutter or the Chou's and with helping out Francesa with her grandfather while Martha was away. Sister Marlene Lindsey said she feels circled in strength even while in the Philippines, as she reads what is going on in our ward.
  4. Sign up for the Photo shop class. See the blog for more information. Http://

BIRTHDAYS: Feb. 14th – Lisa Miller and Feb. 18th – Bobbi Teel. Happy Birthday to both of you.

Our lesson today was given by Holly McRae. She was substituting for Tiffany. Lesson 3 in the George Albert Smith manual “Our Testimony of Jesus Christ”.

I feel very humbled to be teaching this lesson. The topic is the testimony of Jesus Christ. It in intimidating to give justice to such a topic. As I read the lesson and George Albert Smith's testimony of the Savior, I wondered how I could pick and choose. I prayed for the spirit as to what we could discussed as all of it is of great worth. I wanted us to draw close to the Savior.

In his travels as a General Authority, George Albert Smith occasionally met those who thought that the Latter-day Saints do not believe in Jesus Christ. This misconception amazed and worried President Smith, and he tried to correct it by sharing his personal witness of the Savior.
On one occasion he spoke at a Church meeting in Cardston, Canada, about the life and mission of Christ. The next morning he went to the railway station to buy a train ticket. While he waited in line, he overheard a conversation between a woman and the ticket agent. The woman mentioned that the evening before she had decided to attend a Latter-day Saint worship service.
The ticket agent looked surprised. “My goodness,” she said. “You do not mean to say you went to church there.”
“Yes, I did,” the woman answered. “Why not?”
The ticket agent said, “They do not even believe in Jesus Christ.”
Then the woman replied, “Only last night I listened to one of the elders of the Church speaking of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, and I have never heard anybody who seemed more profoundly impressed with a knowledge that Jesus was indeed the Christ, than the speaker on that occasion.”

Robby: Quote 1
I have been buoyed up and, as it were, lifted out of myself and given power not my own to teach the glorious truths proclaimed by the Redeemer of the world. I have not seen Him face to face but have enjoyed the companionship of His spirit and felt His presence in a way not to be mistaken. I know that my Redeemer lives and gladly yield my humble efforts to establish His teachings. … Every fibre of my being vibrates with the knowledge that He lives and some day all men will know it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Annual Ward Temple Night ~ March 6 @ 8:15pm

Our annual Ward Temple night – to celebrate our Ward's birthday will be 
Tuesday, March 6th for the special 8:15 pm session.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lupe's Notes ~ Feb 5, 2012

What a wonderful Sabbath. It was great seeing most of the sisters in Relief Society. Thank you young women, leaders, young men and leaders and Primary for allowing the sisters to join us.

THOUGHT: Daily, constantly, we choose by our desires, our thoughts, and our actions whether we want to be blessed or cursed, happy or miserable”.
Boyd K. Packer

  1. Women's Basketball – Women's Basketball is currently underway and will run through February 28th. Games will be played at the Manila Building on 900 W directly north of the pond and across from the blue silos on Tuesday evenings from 8:30-10 pm. “Open Gym' style games will be played. All skill levels are invited to play, including beginners. This should be a fun time to get some exercise, meet your sisters in the stake, and develop your talents. Any questions maybe directed to Wendy Pinson (801) 830-2562 or Stephanie Wilson (801) 703-4366.
  2. Stake Women's Conference – Saturday, April 21st at 10:00 am. More information coming,
  3. Our annual Ward Temple night – to celebrate our Ward's birthday will be Tuesday, March 6th for the special 8:15 pm session.
  4. Ward Relief Society Activity to celebrate the birthday of Relief Society will be on Thursday, March 29th at 6:30 pm at the Manila Building.
  5. This year we will be celebrating each sister's birthday by having a quarterly Brunch. It will provide us with a greater opportunity to get to know each other better.
  6. Don't forget to visit our Relief Society Blog. Not only does it have RS news and activities, but also great Preparedness info, Amazing recipes, Missionary addresses and links to their blogs, Lupe's notes from past lessons and more. Http://

BIRTHDAYS: Feb. 6th Alisa Jenkins; Feb 7th Billie Wilson, and Feb. 10th Pat Heaton HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.

Today we were honored to have most of the sisters attend our Relief Society Visiting Teacher Conference. “PURE RELIGION WATCHCARE AND MINISTERING THROUGH VISITING TEACHING”

Sister Megan Duckworth, our president spoke to us first.

I'm so very grateful to be able to see all gather together today. What a beautiful sight. I am so thankful for the willingness of our Primary, Young Women, and Young Men leaders to work together to provide substitutes for our primary children.