“Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear” from the October General Conference, Elder L. Tom Perry
Good afternoon sisters. It very much looks like a spring day, except it's cold. What a good Sabbath it has been. The talks on Temples were wonderful. A good challenge for us to attend often.
THOUGHT: “My dear brothers and sisters, when pain, tests, and trials come in life, draw near to the Savior. “Wait upon the Lord....look for him' (Isaiah 8:17; 2 Nephi 18:17). 'They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint' (Isaiah 40:31). Healing comes in the Lord's time and the Lord's way; be patient”.
Elder Robert D. Hales
- “Circled in Something Extraordinary” March 29th at 6:30 at the Church by the blue silos, we will celebrating our Relief Society birthday. There will be a dinner, and a guest speaker along with visiting. Invitations will be going out soon.
- WARD ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL ENDOWMENT SESSION – Tuesday March 6th, meet in back rows of Temple Chapel by 7:45 pm.
- Sign up for the Stake Blood Drive, March 17th. Sign up sheet will be going around again next week.
- STAKE TECHNOLOGY DAY "Advancements in technology are coming faster now than ever before. As a stake presidency, we are anxious to help our stake membership learn how to take full advantage of these advances, while avoiding the ever-present dangers inherent with technology. On March 17th from 9:00 am until noon we will have a unique opportunity to learn from many who are directly involved in this effort at Church Headquarters. We encourage your attendance at this unique event. Since many of our guest speakers have made special arrangements to participate, we want to make sure we understand the level of interest in each topic. Because of this, we are asking that everyone who wants to attend please register online. For registration information, please refer to the posters and flyers in the foyer, or contact Ken Knapton or Brian Jensen. We are confident that this will be a positive experience for our stake membership."
- Sisters, we would like to encourage you to make “Daughters in My Kingdom” a part of your daily scripture study.
- A reminder to visit our RS Blog http://manila12thwardrs.blogspot.com
BIRTHDAYS: Feb. 28th, Pat Kreimier. Happy Birthday to you.
Our lesson today was presented by Darla, entitled “Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear” from the October General Conference, Elder L. Tom Perry
How many of you personally know Elder Perry? Or being in his presence?
Cheryl: Walked by him and he is tall.
Donna L: I have seen him at ballgames at BYU.
He is very energetic and enthusiastic.
Gayla: I remember seeing him and Elder Holland at the Stadium box during a football game doing the wave.
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