Hello sisters, hope you are having a good Sabbath.
THOUGHT: “...This is a noisy and busy world that we live in. Remember that being busy is not necessarily being spiritual. If we are not careful, the things of this world can crowd out the things of the Spirit.”
Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin
- Women's Basketball – Women's Basketball will start on January 19, and run through February 23. Games will be played at the Manila Building on 900 W directly North of the pond and across from the blue silos on Thursday evenings from 8:30-10 pm. “Open Gym” style games will be played. All skill levels are invited to play, including beginners. This should be a fun time to get some exercise, meet your sisters in the stake, and develop your talents. Any questions may be directed to Wendy Pinson (801)830-2562 or Stephanie Wilson (801)703-4366.
- Next Sunday,(Fast Sunday) we will have our Visiting Teacher's Conference. We are asking you to please read, study and ponder chapter 7 from “Daughters in my Kingdom”.
- This year in lieu of individual birthday gifts, we will celebrate each sister's birthday by having a quarterly Brunch. We will give the gift of each other. Each member of the Presidency will host a Brunch. Looking forward to celebrating with you.
- Please mark your calendar “Stake Women's Conference, Saturday, April 21st at 10:00 am. More information coming.
- Our annual Ward Temple night to celebrate our Ward's birthday will be March 6th for the 8 pm session.
- Don't forget to visit our RS Blog http://manila12wardrs.blogspot.com . Lots of good stuff there
BIRTHDAYS: 29th, Emily Lesher. Happy Birthday.
This combined fifth Sunday lesson was presented by our Bishop. Between my notes and his, we should have all the information he presented.
I want to talk about marriage, Covenant marriage and its role in our eternal progression and welfare.
In doing this, I want to acknowledge the many single individuals that are here. The last thing that I would want is to have you feel neglected or forgotten as we discuss this today. Some may be single because they have experienced loss through death or divorce. Some may have yet to have the opportunity.
As I looked at articles I found President Hinckley's 1996 address to Singles. Quoting his secretary who was a single member:
“For more than 20 years I have endured a lack of sensitivity of members of the Church with respect to my single state. As I have pursued my profession, I have moved to various areas of the country. In seeking participation in local Church activities, I have encountered a variety of levels of welcome and acceptance, ranging from a warm, friendly welcome to a very cool indifference and an air of discomfort that seems to stem from their lack of knowing what to do with me. In one ward I felt strongly that the members would prefer that I not attend. This continued for nearly six months, and I finally sensed a passive acceptance, as thou I were a nuisance that wouldn't go away, and so must be tolerated.”
I would hope that feeling never gets communicated in this ward. I love and value all of you.