Well, this may be a little late, but here it is.
THOUGHT: “Relief Society sisters of all ages continue to uphold and defend truths that strengthen homes and families....Whenever a woman strengthens the faith of a child, she contributes to the strength of a family—now and in the future.” (Daughters in My Kingdom, p. 159)
- As a relief society presidency, we are working together on making some changes to the visiting teaching assignments within our ward to include the new sisters. Thank you for your patience.
You will be getting your new assignments very soon and as you receive the assignments, it will take effect immediately. “In visiting teaching, we reach out to each other. Hands often speak as voices can't. A warm embrace conveys volumes. A laugh together unites us. A moment of sharing refreshes our souls We cannot always lift the burden of one who is troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.” (Daughters in My Kingdom, p. 119)
- Thank you to all the sisters who helped with the High Priest Social. We appreciate you.
- Single Adult (31+) Family Home Evening on Monday November 14th at 7:00 pm at the Blair Buswell Studio (318 South, 671 West in Pleasant Grove. “This will be a great evening to learn how Blair developed his talent, learn about some of the famous pieces he has created and see some of his work. Refreshments will be served.
BIRTHDAYS: November 10th McKenna McCracken. Happy birthday to you.
The message for this Sabbath Day was presented by Lupe Lee.
I'm glad I only do this once a year. I do pray for the spirit to help me say the things that he feels I need to say.
One of the talks that I really enjoyed at General Conference was Elder Packard's talk and I think the reason that I enjoyed it was because, it confirmed to me that the subject matter of the message that I will give you today is what the Lord wants me to present. There is somebody, someone somewhere in this ward who needs to hear it, to give them comfort.
Ephesians 6:12 says “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principles, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Boyd K Packard: “We know from the Scriptures that there was a war in heaven and that Lucifer rebelled and with his followers, “was cast out into the earth.” He is determined to disrupt our Heavenly Father's plan and seeks to control the minds and actions of all. This influence is spiritual and he is abroad in the land.”
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