Wow, what an incredible Sacrament Meeting program, plus Brady and Maddy Heiner sang a beautiful musical number.
THOUGHT: “We are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness....We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us.” Thomas S. Monson
- High Priest Social, Saturday, November 5th at 6 pm. Food, friends and fun. Put it on your calender. More information coming.
- Also put on your calendar in big red letters, Ward Christmas Party. You're in for a great treat. December 10th.
- Monday, October 31 is ward cleaning time. If you can come help, please do at 4:30 pm, so that parents can get their kids ready for trick or treating. Remember, it's an extra Monday.
- The Moss left behind a full size mattress with box spring and a trundle frame. If you are interested contact Gayla Muhlestein. It's free and will be at her home for this week only.
BIRTHDAYS: October 25th : Amy Rigby, Mckenna Rojas, and Gail Breese; October 29th Mary Tippetts. Happy Birthday to you all. Have a wonderful day.
Our lesson today was presented by Darla Cox entitled The Holy Temple—A Beacon to the World by President Monson from the April General Conference.
I apologize for my voice and hope you will be able to understand me. We will talk about Temples. We will hear about stories of sacrifice, of the service we can render.
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