Manila 12th Ward Relief Society

Circled in Strength

They Want To Be Found

A Little Research Goes a Long Way!

Cemeteries Give Accurate Details Has Millions of Cemetery Records.

William Aaron Burnes 1967-2006

How to Write an Obituary, Bio or Tribute.

USS Princess Matoika

My Grandpa's WWI Naval Ship

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lupes Note's ~ Dec 18, 2011

Good evening, hope you had a good day. One week left.

THOUGHT: “Every sister who stands for truth and righteousness diminishes the influence of evil. Every sister who strengthens and protects her family is doing the work of God. Every sister who lives as a woman of God becomes a beacon for others to follow and plants seeds of righteous influence that will be harvested for decades to come.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           M.            Russell Ballard

  1. Be sure and check out our RS Blog . Sarah will post information on creating pedigree charts for Christmas gifts
  2. Our next Temple session and lunch in the Cafeteria will be Thursday, Jan. 5th, the 10 am session. Meet in the Chapel.
  3. Humanitarian Night, January 18th for all RS, YM and Activity Girls. Mark on your calendar
 BIRTHDAYS: December 18th – Bobby Teel; December 23rd – Donna Root; December 25th Devri Darby HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL.
Our lesson today was presented by Tiffany Weight “Exaltation

We will review last week's lesson “Final Judgment. What are the three degrees of glory? The telestial, the terrestial and the Celestial. Exaltation is the highest degree in the Celestial Kingdom.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lupe's Notes ~ Dec 11, 2011

Good evening sisters. Another great Sabbath.

I have been quoted as saying, 'Do the best you can.' But I want to emphasize that it be the very best. We are too prone to be satisfied with mediocre performance. We are capable of doing so much better.”
Gordon B. Hinckley

  1. Thanks to all that contributed to the success of the Ward Christmas Party. We could not have done it without each of you. A special thanks to Martha. What a wonderful evening.
  2. The items that were left over were put in the kitchen.
  3. If you forgot to bring a toy for the Reservation children, you have all this week to do so. Bring to Megan's house. An unwrapped toy for a girl or a boy.
  4. On Thursday, Dec. 15th at 7 pm, at her home,Sarah Heiner will teach us how to prepare a Pedigree Chart that you can make as a gift. Bring your laptop and genealogy information. If you don't have any info, Sarah will help you find some.
  5. Everyone is invited to 'Wonders of Christmas', a holiday concert free to the pubic and presented by the Utah Area South Singles Choir, December 18th at the Tabernacle in American Fork, 110 E Main at 7:30 pm. (8 and above recommended)
  6. December 12th Single Adult (31+) Family Home Evening at 7 pm at the Manila Stake Center. Speakers Lee and Meg Donaldson. Special Musical Numbers by the Jackson family. Refreshments will be provided.

BIRTHDAYS: December 12th: Emily Thompson, and Susan Fisher. December 14th Rochelle Sumsion

Today's lesson was presented by Amy Waldron, Lesson # 46, The Final Judgment.

Look at the back of the handout and quickly see if you can identify which kingdom applies to each statement. All the answers are in Section 76.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pedigree Charts for Christmas!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lupe's Notes ~ Dec 4, 2011

Good evening sisters, what a wonderful Sacrament Meeting we enjoyed today. The Spirit certainly was in attendance.

THOUGHT: “Do you read the Scriptures, my brethren and sisters as though you were writing them a thousand, two thousand, or five thousand years ago? Do you read them as though you stood in the place of the men who wrote them? If you do not feel thus, it is your privilege to do so, that you may be as familiar with the spirit and meaning of the written word of God as you are with your daily walk and conversation. Elder L. Tom Perry

  1. Stake Woman's Basketball: Which would you prefer – Wed., 9:30 am or Thurs. 8:30 pm?
  2. Monday, December 5 at 6:30 pm. at the Moons. Empty Nesters annual Christmas potluck dinner party. Everyone should bring a “fun” white elephant gift. All that are planning to attend, please RSVP with Karen Moon. Any questions, call the Plothows 801-763-1962.
  3. Scouts: Pack Meeting has been changed to Tuesday, December 13 at 7 pm.
  4. We are in need of Chocolate Fountains for the ward Christmas Party. We will be having Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate and White Chocolate. Contact Amy Waldron at or 801-215-4844.
  5. Ward Christmas Party Reminders
  • (It will balance out the divine yummy treats we will serve at the party!)
  • By today (Dec 4th) - please send photos of ward members/recent activities to James Jensen, at:
  • Don't forget to wear your comfy flannel or Christmas PJ's, robe, Santa hat, slippers, or leisure suit.
  • You don't need to bring your ticket to the party – you'll get a “GOLDEN TICKET” there!
  • When you arrive, please enter on the East (stake) side; that is where you board the train.
  • PLEASE BRING to the party: (if you can...but if you can't, or forget - no stress!)
- An unwrapped toy for a needy child on the Indian reservations (for any age).
- A plate or bowl of something you can dip into a chocolate fountain – Google for ideas!
  • For those helping, contact your team leader about set up and pre-party prep.
(Set up will begin as early as 10:30 am; we want to have everything in place by 5 pm.)
  • With nearly 100 ward members & youth helping, this party can't help but be FABULOUS!
  • THANK YOU – for your time, creativity, and talents...what an amazing ward we have!

We will begin setting up for the Party at 10:30 am. On Saturday. Contact your team leader as to when you need to be there.

6. On December 15th at 7-8:30 pm at Sarah Heiner's home, the Genealogy Group will be preparing Pedigree Charts as Christmas gifts. Bring information for 3 or 5 generation, family group sheets, etc. Anyone is welcomed to attend.

7. Sisters, please make sure you turn in all your receipts before the end of the year. You will need to go to the clerk's office and get and fill out a Reimbursement sheet; attach your receipts and turn them in to Lupe Lee.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lupes Notes - Nov 13, 2011

 Good morning sisters. Yes, I am late. I got a new computer and had to wait until my program was installed.

THOUGHT: “We treasure the word of God not only by reading the word of the scriptures, but by studying them. We may be nourished more by pondering a few words, allowing the Holy Ghost to make them treasures to us, than by passing quickly and superficially over whole chapters of scripture.”
Henry B, Eyring

  1. It's our ward's time to clean the kitchen. We will be there on Tuesday at 10:30 am. If you have some time and can help us, you are welcomed. Thanks.
  2. The missionaries are offering 15 minutes to ward members from 6-8 pm. Choose a date and contact them. It would be a great opportunity for your children to visit with them. Contact Brother Sandor.
  3. Don't forget the Ward Christmas Party. It will be a magical evening. Start getting your pajamas ready.



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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

4th Sunday Lesson Schedule

Here are the Teachings For Our Time topics for the next six months:

  1. The Power of Scripture -- Elder Richard G. Scott
  2. You Matter to Him -- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  3. Covenants -- Elder Russell M. Nelson
  4. Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear -- Elder L. Tom Perry
  5. A Witness -- President Henry B. Eyring
  6. Stand in Holy Places -- President Thomas S. Monson

Announcements for Nov. 6, 2011

  1. As a relief society presidency, we are working together on making some changes to the visiting teaching assignments within our ward to include the new sisters. Thank you for your patience.
You will be getting your new assignments very soon and as you receive the assignments, it will take effect immediately. “In visiting teaching, we reach out to each other. Hands often speak as voices can't. A warm embrace conveys volumes. A laugh together unites us. A moment of sharing refreshes our souls We cannot always lift the burden of one who is troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.” (Daughters in My Kingdom, p. 119)
  1. Thank you to all the sisters who helped with the High Priest Social. We appreciate you.
  2. Single Adult (31+) Family Home Evening on Monday November 14th at 7:00 pm at the Blair Buswell Studio (318 South, 671 West in Pleasant Grove. “This will be a great evening to learn how Blair developed his talent, learn about some of the famous pieces he has created and see some of his work. Refreshments will be served. 
BIRTHDAYS: November 10th McKenna McCracken. Happy birthday to you.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lupes Notes - Nov 6, 2011

Well, this may be a little late, but here it is.

THOUGHT: “Relief Society sisters of all ages continue to uphold and defend truths that strengthen homes and families....Whenever a woman strengthens the faith of a child, she contributes to the strength of a family—now and in the future.” (Daughters in My Kingdom, p. 159)

  1. As a relief society presidency, we are working together on making some changes to the visiting teaching assignments within our ward to include the new sisters. Thank you for your patience.
You will be getting your new assignments very soon and as you receive the assignments, it will take effect immediately. “In visiting teaching, we reach out to each other. Hands often speak as voices can't. A warm embrace conveys volumes. A laugh together unites us. A moment of sharing refreshes our souls We cannot always lift the burden of one who is troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.” (Daughters in My Kingdom, p. 119)
  1. Thank you to all the sisters who helped with the High Priest Social. We appreciate you.
  2. Single Adult (31+) Family Home Evening on Monday November 14th at 7:00 pm at the Blair Buswell Studio (318 South, 671 West in Pleasant Grove. “This will be a great evening to learn how Blair developed his talent, learn about some of the famous pieces he has created and see some of his work. Refreshments will be served.

BIRTHDAYS: November 10th McKenna McCracken. Happy birthday to you.

The message for this Sabbath Day was presented by Lupe Lee.

I'm glad I only do this once a year. I do pray for the spirit to help me say the things that he feels I need to say.

One of the talks that I really enjoyed at General Conference was Elder Packard's talk and I think the reason that I enjoyed it was because, it confirmed to me that the subject matter of the message that I will give you today is what the Lord wants me to present. There is somebody, someone somewhere in this ward who needs to hear it, to give them comfort.

Ephesians 6:12 says “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principles, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Boyd K Packard: “We know from the Scriptures that there was a war in heaven and that Lucifer rebelled and with his followers, “was cast out into the earth.” He is determined to disrupt our Heavenly Father's plan and seeks to control the minds and actions of all. This influence is spiritual and he is abroad in the land.”

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 2011 Preparedness - Water, Water, Water!

Preparedness for November:  Water!  Water!  Water!  It's that time of year again to do "2" things:
  1. Empty all stored water more than a year old, clean the containers and refill them.
  2. Add more filled containers to your supply.  (In fact this should be an on going habit.)
  • Many containers can hold water for laundry and bathing and flushing purposes.  Be sure to mark them as such.  
  • Remember to date each container as well. 
  • Drinking water needs clean, special containers as recommended in the November supplement in the binders and on this Blog. 
LDS Preparedness Blog:

~ Here are the March Handouts for our Preparedness Binders ~
Click here to download & print these papers
Click on image to enlarge 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lupes Notes - Oct. 23, 2011

Wow, what an incredible Sacrament Meeting program, plus Brady and Maddy Heiner sang a beautiful musical number.

THOUGHT: “We are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness....We are the Lord's hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us.” Thomas S. Monson

  1. High Priest Social, Saturday, November 5th at 6 pm. Food, friends and fun. Put it on your calender. More information coming.
  2. Also put on your calendar in big red letters, Ward Christmas Party. You're in for a great treat. December 10th.
  3. Monday, October 31 is ward cleaning time. If you can come help, please do at 4:30 pm, so that parents can get their kids ready for trick or treating. Remember, it's an extra Monday.
  4. The Moss left behind a full size mattress with box spring and a trundle frame. If you are interested contact Gayla Muhlestein. It's free and will be at her home for this week only.

BIRTHDAYS: October 25th : Amy Rigby, Mckenna Rojas, and Gail Breese; October 29th Mary Tippetts. Happy Birthday to you all. Have a wonderful day.

Our lesson today was presented by Darla Cox entitled The Holy Temple—A Beacon to the World by President Monson from the April General Conference.

I apologize for my voice and hope you will be able to understand me. We will talk about Temples. We will hear about stories of sacrifice, of the service we can render.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lupe's Notes ~ Oct 16, 2011

Good evening sisters, hope you have enjoyed this wonderful day.

THOUGHT: This great circle of sisters will be a protection for each of you and for your families. The Relief Society might be likened to a refuge—the place of safety and protection—the sanctuary of ancient times. You will be safe within it. It encircles each sister like a protecting wall.”
Boyd K. Packer

  1. Put on your calendars this very important date: December 10th. It will be our Ward Christmas Party.
  2. There will be a High Priest Social on November 5th at 6 pm. All High Priest and their wives are invited. Also invited are the Single Sisters.
  3. A big Thanks to all who participated in our 'Circle in Sweet Friendship' on Thursday. We had such a fun evening.
  4. Here is the link that Megan wants us to listen to:
BIRTHDAYS: Happy Birthday to Kailee Ruth Fisher on October 19th.

Our lesson today was SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING presented by Amy Waldron.
Well, I even brought a centerpiece, my first one ever. Janet made it for me last year for my 40th birthday. I am now 41. If you remember the lesson on “The Postmortal Spirit World', today's lesson relates to that lesson. We quickly will go through that lesson. The pre-existence, mortal life, death, spirit world, resurrection, millennium, final judgment and degrees of glory.

Today we will be talking about the Signs of the Second Coming, before the Savior comes again. The first question is Why do we care about the signs of the second coming? I have been a little ambivalent about the issue. Have even felt that some people have gone a little overboard about it. It gets a little wacky. Just beyond. They seem to focus too much on the signs. I had a friend who, whenever he prayed, whether it was over the food, or whatever, always would say, please have the second coming come soon. I think it is important, but feel uncomfortable about some of the signs. So the question, why do we care?

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

October Preparedness: Review, Replenish, Restore

October Preparedness Focuses on "3 R's":           
  1. Review October material in the Preparedness Binder, Click Here >>
  2. Replenish 3 month food supplies.
  3. Restore and increase long-term food stuffs.

Click Here >> to review October Handouts for your Binders

Monday, September 26, 2011

Announcements for Sep. 25, 2011

  1. Join us on Monday, October 10th at 7:00 PM for our 2nd Monday Single Adult FHE as we present:  FEAR FACTOR, IT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR 

    If Fear is not a Factor for you, then be sure not to miss out on this event. We'll have some fun and exciting challenges, but don't worry: rats and snakes aren't on the menu!' Be sure that you bring your kids. We will have some exciting challenges just for them. Join us at the Stake Center adjacent to the Timpanogos Temple, 835 N 900 E, American Fork, for a very interesting and entertaining evening, good company and a nice dinner. Be sure to come hungry. We will be providing a Baked Potato Bar for the main course. Please bring an appetizer, salad, side dish or dessert to share with everyone. Dessert will be serenaded by an amazing composer and performer, Mandy Sittler. Fear Factor challenges will follow the entertainment with great prizes for the brave at heart. Please join us for a wonderful dinner, entertainment and some interesting challenges as the Pleasant Grove Manila Stake presents “Fear Factor, It's a Family Affair”
  2. RELIEF SOCIETY: Thursday, October 13th, 7:00 pm
Sisters, please join us for a fun social get together “Circled in Sweet Friendship” at Melissa Brady's house 1062 East 1180 North. Please bring a sweet treat to share with your sweet sisters. We will visit and enjoy the yummy desserts and play a little game to get to know each other better. Hope you can come!
  1. STAKE WOMEN”S VOLLEYBALL: It's time for women's volleyball! We will meet on Thursday nights from September 15 – October 27, omitting October 20 due to Fall Break. The time will be 8 – 10 pm at the Stake Center. It will be “open gym” play. No assigned teams, as of yet. We're excited to offer this and hope to have a fun and athletic season! If you have questions, please email Sytske Smellie at
  2. SEPTEMBER PREPAREDNESS NOTICE: The Relief Society Blog will review the handouts from last year with specific focus for the month. Please share your successes, challenges and ideas. For additional information, questions or concerns contact Karen Moon 801-756-4485.
  3. Don't forget this week is VISITING TEACHING INTERVIEWS. You will be contacted and reminded when you signed up.
BIRTHDAYS: October 3rd: Sondra H. & Karen M. - October 8th - Sally J. Happy Birthday Sisters.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Announcements for Sep. 11, 2011

  1. Sept. 16th, WARD TEMPLE NIGHT. 6:30 pm Session so meet in the chapel before than.
  2. Sept. 15 – Oct 27, 8-10 pm @ Stake Center. STAKE WOMEN”S VOLLEYBALL. Thursday evenings. (no play on Oct. 20 due to fall break.) Open play and no assigned teams yet.
  3. Sept 24th, 4:30 pm @ Stake Center: SOUP SUPPER 7 RS GENERAL BROADCAST. There will be a soup supper before the broadcast at 4:30. The broadcast will start at 6. Our ward needs three sister to contribute 3 crock pots of soup by 4 pm that day.
  4. If you haven't signed up for your visiting teacher interview, please contact Amy Nelson.
  5. Bryce P. is in Primary Children Hospital. Pleas keep him in your prayers.


BIRTHDAYS: September 11, Tiffany W., September 13, Kay J. Happy Birthday to you both.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 2011 Preparedness

Preparedness for September:  We begin another year with our preparedness program.  We will be putting information in the Relief Society Blog each month and Sarah will also publish the handout information from the binders received last year.   

We invite and encourage all of you to participate by sharing your success stories from your hard work this past year.  We've heard from many of you that you have been working hard. When we share what we have been able to accomplish it helps motivate some of us who need a little extra encouragement.  You can share by clicking on the comments field following the Preparedness article each month. If you have ideas that could help we welcome them as well.  
This month, September, we encourage everyone to clean out their food storage areas and pay attention to expiration dates.  Rotate the food so the oldest dates can be used first.  We also encourage everyone to keep striving to save money to be used for emergency and preparedness.  Have a great month.  And we are eager to hear your comments.

Ward Temple Night

Friday, September 16th  at 6:30 pm: is WARD TEMPLE NIGHT. This is a wonderful opportunity for the YW to offer babysitting service!

Announcements for Sep. 4, 2011

  1. September 10th, 8:30 am – noon: DAY OF SERVICE. All ward members, including the children, and the youth, are invited to participate in providing service to different ward members.
  2. September 15 – Oct 27, 8-10 pm @ Stake Center STAKE WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL. Thursday evenings (No play on October 20 due to fall break.) Open play and no assigned teams yet.
  3. September 16th, 6:30 pm: WARD TEMPLE NIGHT. This is a wonderful opportunity for the YW to offer babysitting service!
  4. September 24th, 4:30 pm @ Stake Center: SOUP SUPPER 7 RS GENERAL BROADCAST. There will be a soup supper before the broadcast at 4:30. The broadcast will start at 6. Our ward has been asked to contribute 3 crock pots of soup by 4 pm on that day.
  5. VISITING TEACHING INTERVIEWS: Please sign up for a brief interview on either da: Tuesday Sept. 27th from 10 am-noon and from 6-8 pm. Or Thursday Sept. 29th at same hours. If you are unable to attend during one of those times, please contact a member of the presidency. We look forward to visiting with you!
  6. Our ward has received assignments from the Stake for donated labor in Sept. and Oct.: Thursday, Sept 15th 7am-9am. 7 volunteers needed at the Vegetable Farm back of the Lindon cannery to harvest vegetable. Wed., Sept 28th, 4pm-7pm. 7 volunteers needed at the Lindon cannery to can peaches and Friday Oct 28th, 3 pm-5pm. 4 volunteers needed at the Lindon cannery to can chili. Contact Brother Moon.
  7. SINGLE ADULT FHE on Sept. 12th: 7 pm: Duane Free presents, “Joseph Smith, A New Look”. Join us at the Stake Center for a very interesting evening, good company and refreshments.”
BIRTHDAYS: Happy Birthday to Vera Larsen, Sept. 5th.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Announcements for August 28, 2011

  1. The history of the Relief Society that Sister Julie Beck spoke about earlier this year is completed! It is entitled “Daughters in My Kingdom The History and Work of Relief Society.” Each Relief Society sister will receive her own copy of this wonderful book. It will be coming soon!
  2. Day of Service Saturday, September 10th from 8 am-noon. All Ward members, including the children and the youth, are invited to participate in providing service to different ward members.
  3. Stake Women's volleyball Thursday evenings, September 15th thru October 27th from 8-10 pm at the Stake Center. (No play on October 20th due to fall break.) Open play and no assigned teams yet.
  4. Ward Temple Night on Friday, September 16th at 6:30pm
  5. Our Circle in Friendship...Part 2 has been postponed until further notice.
  6. Relief Society General Broadcast Saturday, September 24th at the Stake Center. There will be a soup supper before the broadcast at 4:30 pm. The broadcast will start at 6:00 pm. Our ward has been asked to contribute 3 crock pots of soup to be there by 4:00 pm on that day.
  7. Visiting Teaching Interviews: Sign up for a brief interview on either day: Tuesday, September 27th from 10 am-noon and then again from 6-8 pm or Thursday, September 29th from 10 am-noon and then again from 6-8 pm. If you are unable to attend during one of those times, please contact a member of the presidency.
  8. We have a Stake Cannery Assignment. Please contact Brother Moon for more information.

BIRTHDAYS:  August 29th, Amy W. Happy Birthday Amy. Enjoy your day.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Announcements for August 21, 2011

  1. Father/Son camp out this coming Friday and Saturday, August 26th and 27th.
  2. Saturday, Sept. 10th 8 - 12 noon is our Ward Service Day. Everyone is included.
  3. Friday, Sept. 16th is our Ward Temple Night.
  4. Thursday, Sept. 22nd is our Circle in Friendship Night at Megan's back yard. It will be another salad/dessert evening where you'll have the opportunity to take a break from getting the kids back to school. Yea!
BIRTHDAYS: Aug. 22nd, Judy G., Aug. 25th Ann J., Aug. 25th Cheryl N. Aug. 26th Christy S. Happy Birthday sisters.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Steffanie G. recipes from 8-11-2011 cooking class

Manila 12th Ward Cooking Group August 11th 2011
(Thanks to Lupe for putting these recipes together for us :) 

Rosemary and Lemon Chicken
·         4 chicken breasts, boneless and skinless
·         2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
·         2 tablespoons, fresh lemon juice
·         1 tablespoon, fresh rosemary, minced
·         2 cloves garlic, minced
·         1/4 teaspoon salt
·         1/8 teaspoon black pepper
Combine all ingredients and marinade for 30-60 minutes. Grill until done or bake for 1 hour at 350 degrees.
Roasted Garlic Potatoes
·         1 1/2 pounds small red or white-skinned potatoes (or a mixture)
·         1/8 cup good olive oil
·         3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
·         1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
·         1 tablespoons minced garlic (3 cloves)
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
Cut the potatoes in half or quarters and place in a bowl with the olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic; toss until the potatoes are well coated. Dump the potatoes on a baking sheet and spread out into 1 layer; roast in the oven for at least 1 hour, or until browned and crisp. Flip twice with a spatula during cooking to ensure even browning.
Remove the potatoes from the oven, season to taste, and serve
Garlic Balsamic Asparagus
·         1 lb. asparagus
·         1 Tbsp. olive oil
·         1 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
·         1/2 tsp. kosher salt
·         1/4 tsp. freshly-ground black pepper
·         1 tsp. minced or pressed garlic
Combine ingredients and marinade and lay it on cookie sheet and bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees.
Orzo Pasta with Spinach
·         8 ounces orzo pasta, precooked
·         2 garlic cloves, minced
·         2 tablespoons olive oil, combined with garlic
·         1/2 cup red bell pepper, diced
·         1/3 cup parmesan cheese
·         8 ounces spinach, julienned (layer 5 spinach leaves at a time, roll length wise, & slice)
Precook 16 ounces dry orzo. In a hot sauté pan, add olive oil and garlic, red bell peppers and hot precooked orzo. Sauté for approximately one minute. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese and stir.  Remove pan from heat and add spinach. Toss for approximately three seconds until spinach is incorporated but is not wilted.
Pesto Sauce
·         2 cups packed fresh basil leaves, washed well and spun dry
·         2/3 cup olive oil
·         1/2 cup pecans
·         1/3 cup freshly grated Parmesan
·         2 large garlic cloves, chopped and mashed to a paste with 1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine all ingredients into a blender or food processor and refridgerate excess for future use. Add to pizza, pasta and other dishes that call for pesto.

Rustic Peach Tart
·         1/3 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for the work surface
·         1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
·         1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
·         3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
·         8 peaches, sliced (peeled, if desired)
·         2 refrigerated piecrust (such as Pillsbury)
1. Heat oven to 425° F. Rinse the peaches and pat dry. Do not peel them. Cut each one in half, discarding the pits. Slice the fruit into wedges about 1/2 inch thick. In a large bowl, combine the flour, ginger, nutmeg, and 3/4 cup of the sugar. Add the peaches and toss.
2. On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough into a 12-inch circle. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Arrange the peaches in the center of the dough. Fold the outer edge of the dough over the peaches, allowing it to fall into pleats, leaving the center of the tart uncovered.
3. Lightly brush the dough with water and sprinkle with the remaining sugar. Bake until golden, 15 to 20 minutes. Reduce oven to 350° F and bake until the juices bubble and thicken, about 30 minutes more. Let cool for at least 20 minutes before slicing.

Nellie & Joe's Key Lime Pie
  • 9" graham cracker pie crust
  • 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk
  • 3 egg yolks (whites not used)
  • ½ cup Nellie & Joe's Key West Lime Juice
Combine milk, egg yolks and lime juice. Blend until smooth. Pour filling into pie crust and bake at 350º for 15 minutes. Allow to stand 10 minutes before refrigerating. Just before serving, top with freshly whipped cream, or meringue, and garnish with lime
White Chicken Chili
·         1 T Extra virgin Olive Oil
·         1 lb. boneless chicken, cubed (about 3-4 boneless, skinless breasts)
·         1 medium onion, diced
·         3-4 cloves garlic, minced
·         2 cans Great Northern Beans
·         1 3.5 oz. can green chilies
·         1/2 t cumin
·         1/2 t dried oregano leaves
·         1/2 t coriander
·         1/2 t salt
·         fresh cracked pepper
·         1 lime
·         1/2 C chopped cilantro
·         1 32oz box chicken broth
Condiments: (in addition to measurements above)
·         Sour cream
·         Chopped cilantro
·         Pepper Jack or Jack cheese, shredded
·         Avocado
·         Tortilla Chips or make your own tortilla strips

In a large pot, heat olive oil. Add chopped onion and cook for about 2 minutes- just until it
starts to become translucent. While onions are cooking, drain beans and rinse with cold
water and set aside. Sprinkle chopped chicken with a little salt and pepper and add to pot.
Add garlic as well. Cook until there’s no more visible pink on the chicken, probably 3-4
Then add green chills- along with all of the juices in the can. Add beans, cumin, oregano, coriander, salt, and a few turns of fresh cracked pepper. Stir to combine and then add chicken broth.
Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer uncovered for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and add the juice from one lime and the 1/2 C chopped cilantro. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Ladle into bowls and top with sour cream. Serve with condiments. If you don’t have all those condiments- at least have sour cream! But honestly, it’s best with everything :)
Makes about 8 cups of soup.

Mix 1 cup flour, add seasoning salt and pepper.  Put your chicken breast in the mixture, coating well, and fry in pan with about 2 Tablespoons olive oil and 1/2 cube butter until lightly brown on both side.  Transfer to baking dish.  Pour honey over the chicken and then sprinkle the chopped peacan over the chicken.  (can substitute almonds).  Bake 10-15 mins. at 400 degrees.

Mix pesto with cooked pasta and mix well.  If your pasta is cold, you can put the pesto in a pan to heat up and add the pasta until warm.

Add heavy whipping cream in a pan, add pasta, salt and pepper and simmer, add fresh parmesan cheese.(Her pasta was cold, but if your pasta is hot, just make the sauce and mix with the pasta.  She used bowtie pasta, but you can do any pasta.)

In olive oil, add minced garlic, fresh or diced canned tomatoes, cooked pasta, fresh basil (cut), pepper, salt and fresh grated parmesan cheese.  She added the pasta to the sauce in the pan because her pasta was already cold.  But if your pasta is still hot, make the sauce and then mix it into the pasta.  She used bowtie pasta, but she says you can use any pasta.  It was delicious.

Put about 2 Tablespoons of olive oil oi a pan, add  minced garlic, chopped red peppers, chopped onions,  2 cans diced tomatoes.  Cook until really soft, add 1 Teaspoon sugar (to reduce the acidity of the tomatoes and the peppers).  Add 1 16 oz. can of chicken broth.  (You can use bullion cubes and water).  add about 1/4 cup sliced fresh basil. simmer for short time.  Put in blender, small amounts at a time.   When all is blended, put back on stone, add salt and pepper to taste, simmer some more and then add 1/4 heavy cream.  Stir up good and enjoy. In all the recipes you can use fresh garlic (use a garlic press) or minced garlic in a jar. 
The basil, she layered the leaves of fresh basil, rolled them and then sliced them.  It keeps the leaves from getting bruised.  It's called julienne (cutting into strips)